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Ecosystem Values and Disturbances. ValuesResistance vs. Resilience Intermediate Disturbance HypothesisSuccession (primary vs. secondary)

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystem Values and Disturbances. ValuesResistance vs. Resilience Intermediate Disturbance HypothesisSuccession (primary vs. secondary)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystem Values and Disturbances

2 ValuesResistance vs. Resilience Intermediate Disturbance HypothesisSuccession (primary vs. secondary)

3 Value of an Ecosystem Instrumental Cultural services: – The knowledge we gain Provisions – pharmaceuticals Regulating Services – Act as filters of Carbon dioxide Support Systems – Pollination – Filter water Intrinsic Value independent of any benefit to humans.

4 What do you think happened here?

5 List some things that could cause disturbances in an ecosystem. Hurricanes Ice storms Volcanoes Forest fires Agriculture Deforestation Air pollution surface mining

6 Resistance vs. Resilience Resistance The measure of how much a disturbance can affect the flows of matter and energy in an ecosystem Resilience An ecosystem’s ability to return to its original state.

7 Are all disturbances bad?

8 The intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis States ecosystems experiencing intermediate levels of disturbance are more diverse than those with high or low disturbance levels.


10 Primary Succession vs. Secondary succession

11 Succession



14 Aquatic succession

15 Now draw your own on the back of the paper… Include the labels – Primary succession or secondary succession – Pioneer species – Intermediate species – Climax community 4 stages

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