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China’s Civil War The Boxer Rebellion – Imperial nations had heavy economic influence in China – Chinese Nationalist group was called “Righteous and Harmonious.

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Presentation on theme: "China’s Civil War The Boxer Rebellion – Imperial nations had heavy economic influence in China – Chinese Nationalist group was called “Righteous and Harmonious."— Presentation transcript:

1 China’s Civil War The Boxer Rebellion – Imperial nations had heavy economic influence in China – Chinese Nationalist group was called “Righteous and Harmonious Fists” AKA - Boxers – Chinese officials encouraged Chinese to attack foreigners – Imperial nations put down the rebellion Fined Chinese Kept troops in Beijing – China was now completely under foreign control

2 Chinese Nationalist Movement Kuomintang (KMT) was Nationalist group led by Sun Yat-Sen, who called for: – Constitutional government – Civil liberties & bill of rights – Industrialization was necessary to protect itself from foreign control

3 Fall of Qing Dynasty Qing dynasty attempted to reform, but the KMT called for an end to the imperial dynasty Sun Yat-Sen led a series of revolts – Imperial army tried to negotiate – Never responded with force Qing dynasty fell in 1912, after 268 years of rule China ruled by various warlords, with personal armies

4 Split in the Kuomintang Left side were socialists, wanted to redistribute land and give more power to peasants and workers Right wing opposed redistributing land to peasants Sun Yat-Sen died, Chiang Kai-shek became leader – Expelled Soviets from China – Attacked Communist KMT members, executed many – Northern Expedition took power from warlords, unified China under the KMT

5 Nanjing Government Created the Nanjing government – Industrialization slow Revenue spent on building army Foreign powers still had control over resources – National bank was established – Education improved – Never dealt with land distribution issues, life was still bad for peasants

6 Growth of Communism Communists who escaped the 1927 purge set up own government in SE China – Attacked by KMT in 1934, had to evacuate Began the Long March to Yenan in Northwest China – 6,000 miles, took over one year – Crossed 18 mountain ranges, 24 rivers, and were shot at by KMT aircraft – Many died along the way

7 Growth of Communism Mao Zedong declared himself leader of Communists – Established land and tax reform programs, gained support of peasants – Led peasants in Communist army (Red Army) Many in China began to support communism – Felt that Chiang Kai-Shek was too focused on fighting other Chinese – Believed that Japan was the real threat

8 WWII Communists and Nationalists formed an alliance, focused on Japanese aggression Fighting resumed after the war 1949- Mao Zedong drove Chiang Kai-Shek from power – Chiang and the Nationalists escaped to Taiwan – Mao created the People’s Republic of China

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