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Good Morning Local Education Guides! Name, District, Position, Online Learning in district The LEG “Must Do List”

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1 Good Morning Local Education Guides! Name, District, Position, Online Learning in district The LEG “Must Do List”

2 Presented by: Jennifer Casper Created by: Dawn Nordine, WVS Director

3 What is a LEG? (Local Education Guide) An individual who gives support to students in the district who are taking online courses through WVS An individual who the WVS teacher can communicate with about the student and their progress or concerns

4 Importance of the LEG Critical to the success of most students in an online environment to have someone monitoring their progress, locally. Student contact and encouragement are the most important responsibilities of a LEG.

5 Who can/should be a LEG? Anyone at your school district that would be willing to help support the online student’s needs can be a LEG. It is up to the school district to decide who and what approach will work best for its students’ needs.

6 How much TIME will it take to be a LEG? Does not need to be time-consuming LEG should check the student’s progress at least once a week to be sure that he or she is accessing the class and doing assignments (5-10 minutes) If the student is not doing assignments, then the LEG will need time with the student to determine issues and solutions.

7 Experience tells us……. Most time consuming part of a LEG’s responsibilities is helping the student get started with an online course for the first time. If the student follows the directions in the Course Home and the Student Orientation getting started is easy.

8 Experience tells us……. If the student rushes through or skips the orientation, he or she may miss important points such as assignment or digital drop box procedures, quizzes, and contacting their teacher. coach The LEG will want to coach the student on the importance of carefully following instructions, particularly in the Course Home and Introduction. Tip: have the student complete a readiness survey before registering. WVS has a sample.

9 A LEG is a………. Friend Coach Motivator Companion Supporter Advisor Advocate Role Model


11 Types of Positions LEGs Hold School-to-Work Coordinator School-to-Work Coordinator Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator Virtual High School Coordinator Virtual High School Coordinator School Counselor School Counselor Alternative Education Coordinator Alternative Education Coordinator Distance Learning Lab LEG Distance Learning Lab LEG Learning Options Coordinator Learning Options Coordinator

12 What are the most successful strategies LEGs use to keep students motivated to complete courses? "When I sit down with each student and go through their course introduction with them, I have a printed timeline of what they will need to do to complete their course on time. I check their progress at least twice a week to see if they are keeping up with their schedule. If they are not, I speak personally with the student, e- mail them, or call them, to let them know they are falling behind. This usually gets them motivated to get back on track."

13 Successful Strategies to Keep Students Motivated "I start by making sure that they are all aware of expectations, potential costs, and important deadlines associated with their course. I mail this information home to parents before the course begins and I present it to all on-line students in a group meeting prior to the start of the course. I use the automatic reports regularly to check student progress and I meet with students who are falling behind. I also call or e-mail parents if I am really concerned about a student's progress."

14 Successful Strategies to Keep Students Motivated "Most students that are doing online learning, it fits their needs and if they want to be able to do more courses and explore they must complete one course at a time.“ "Constant communication with the student and their parents.” “Detailed contracts, pace charts. Very frequent communication."

15 Successful Strategies to Keep Students Motivated “Individual meetings, e-mail reminders.“ “Contact, contact, contact with students, parents, course teachers and the good folks at Aventa, WVS, our local consortium, faculty friends helping out, my fellow counselors, etc.” “Rigorous selection process for enrichment students’ Goal Contracts at the beginning of each term and reevaluation at mid-term and two weeks before the end of the term I receive every email from the teacher the student receives. Weekly printout of grades on Friday from each student. Monday is spent with individual students looking at progress & how I can help be more successful."

16 What are your top challenges you face supporting online students in your district? "Paper-work includes registration, online teachers who don't get back to students with their questions on a timely basis, administrative accountability expectations to hit 90% + success rate.” “Teaching time management, and technical issues, and time management” “Time, number of students, technical questions."

17 Challenges “We have great support for online learners; the biggest problem is keeping them in the online class and not somewhere else on the web. I also have difficulty getting them to complete or really understand the tutorial; they like to jump right in no matter what they are told."

18 Challenges “Determining validity of student excuses for lack of progress." “Students working from home-not being in the building to see what they are seeing, Technology issues, and not enough time to support them." “Getting them in the routine, getting them to communicate with the teachers, and getting them to get organized as the class is, sometimes they are not."

19 Challenges “Time, accessibility to the student, knowledge of the course. I learn more about the courses that we provide every year but there are still questions that come up that I can't answer.“ “Students' lack of inherent motivation. Time. Did I mention time?"

20 Do you use any tools to evaluate student readiness or have district/school guidelines for who can take courses? “I meet with the student's counselor and a high school administrator to evaluate the student's academic record, discipline record, personal circumstances, need for credits, and desire for online coursework. Most students are approved for courses regardless of the aforementioned items, but occasionally, we require students to find success in other areas before we allow them to begin a course."

21 Tools to Evaluate Student Readiness "I meet with all the on-line students before the course starts to give them detailed information and expectations. Every student has an opportunity to try an on-line course; I find that some students drop out after the initial meeting.“ “There is typically a conversation with student and parents about the expectations of taking an online class."

22 Tools to Evaluate Student Readiness "We do not use a readiness tool at this time. Students on-campus are not allowed to take a course online that is offered on-campus. Exceptions do exist.” "The guidance counselor selects the students who will take online classes.” "Online readiness survey provided in course guide."

23 Does your school/district have any online policies that they feel are helpful and contribute to student success? "LEG expectations. Enrichment courses are paid for by student if they fail the class. High expectations of students who choose this type of learning are reflected in the selection process." "We provide a LEG for all online students." "A clear and strong contract."

24 Online Policies Helpful and Contribute to Student Success "If they fail a course they must pay the district back. Money talks!" "We have a policy and a Virtual High School Student Contract that must be signed and returned." "We have policies that have been approved by our school board that students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) must sign. The policies primarily address online safety and ethical use of materials, but also address future online courses (students may not take additional online courses at the district's expense unless they have successfully completed prior courses, or paid the district back for any unsuccessful courses)."

25 LEG “Must Do List” Before Enrollment Assist in selecting potential students Encourage students to look at course descriptions and outlines on the WVS website Encourage student to sign a school district online learning contact TIPS:  WVS offers curriculum review access to help make decisions on course selection  WVS offers a sample student contract  Consider a parent and student online orientation meeting or presentation  Know if you need to order a textbook – ex. AP courses

26 LEG “Must Do List” Enrollment Process Contact WVS for your LEG user name & password to register students. Register online at Students will need an email account for you to register them, to receive their welcome letter, and to participate in the course.

27 Once the district contact or LEG registers the student online:  WVS receives the approved enrollment, the student receives a confirmation email that provides a username and password for accessing their course.  The LEG uses their own login information to access registration, progress, and reporting tools for their students.  The WVS teacher receives the LEG contact information from WVS. LEG “Must Do List” Enrollment Process

28 HOT Tips from Support from other LEG’s HOT Tips from Support from other LEG’s  Make sure you select “finalize enrollment” near the bottom of the screen after you enter the students course(s). You WILL receive a “congratulations” message.  DON’T use the “back button” to enroll the next student, go to the top tab “students” and then “add student.”  You will NOT be able to see the enrollments for 1- 2 hours after you submit.  You will get a “welcome/confirmation” email the next day for successful enrollments. LEG “Must Do List” Enrollment Process

29 LEG “Must Do List” Getting the student started: The LEG should send the WVS teacher an introductory e-mail:  Student issues, accommodations, graduation needs, contact information and hours, etc. Student/LEG needs to ensure that the student’s computer meets the minimum technical requirements on the computers in which they are going to access their course. TIP: pop up blockers and email filters

30 LEG “Must Do List” Getting the student started: LEG makes sure the student completes the Student Orientation in each course. Print out course syllabus, outline, and grading policies. LEG helps determine if the student should continue within the first 14 days. Required: Email WVS if you need to drop the student within 14 days. Remind students about the schedule tool in their course if they get behind or ahead. TIP: Students might want to adjust for the actual first day they start.

31 LEG “Must Do List” Monitoring student progress: All LEGs receive weekly emailed progress reports in PDF format on their students. LEG should login at least once a week to WVS Front Office to check on progress using their LEG login.

32 LEG “Must Do List” Monitoring student progress: Click on any student name to view detail progress data. This detail view displays GRADE BOOK level detail for each course so you can monitor grades and activity on an assignment by assignment basis.

33 LEG “Must Do List” Monitoring student progress: Review the weekly progress reports emailed to you.

34 Monitoring student progress: Engagement Categories New - Enrolled within last 7 Days On Target- Passing - Enrolled for > 7 Days, Turned in assignment within 14 days within 10% of Variance, and Grade >= 70% On Target- Academically At Risk - Enrolled for > 7 Days, Turned in assignment within 14 days, Variance within 10% and Grade < 70% Slow Pace- Passing - Enrolled for > 7 Days, Turned in assignment within 14 days, Variance between 11-30% and Grade >= 70% Slow Pace- Academically At Risk - Enrolled for > 7 Days, Turned in assignment within 14 days, Variance between 11-30% and Grade <70%

35 Monitoring student progress: Engagement Categories At Risk- Passing - Enrolled for > 7 Days, Turned in assignment within 14 days, Variance greater than 30% and Grade >= 70% At Risk- Academically At Risk - Enrolled for > 7 Days, Turned in assignment within 14 days, Variance greater than 30% and Grade < 70% Disengaged- Passing - Enrolled for > 7 Days, has not turned in assignment in more than 14 days and Grade >=70% Disengaged- Academically At Risk - Enrolled for > 7 Days, has not turned in assignment in more than 14 days and Grade <70%. Not Started - Enrolled for > 7 Days, has not turned in any assignments

36 More LEG Tips Have student give you a printed copy of their grade book weekly Glitches happen - check your e-mail after sending within 24 hours Did I mention to check progress and print weekly? ;-) Keep a file on each student Record errors and problems with the course Notify the WVS teacher about any problems Provide guidance department and/or administration with updates as requested

37 Just a few more LEG Tips NEW – Credit Recovery courses have a maximum access of 12 weeks for fall and spring! Parent Access to Reports (LEG Resource Web Page) Student Tips Sheet AP Course Audit – AP Coordinator needs to associate WVS with their district. NEW – Course drop fee $200 for 15-28 days

38 Keep Nancy and Joan’s phone number handy!!! 715-453-2141(ext. 236 or 221) Blackboard Help Desk: 1-800-594-5965 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM or use the help button for online assistance TIP: Don’t be afraid to ask for help!

39 Remember students are still students whether in the classroom or online…...

40 …..they still need a LEG to stand on! Thank YOU for all you do to support your online students!!

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