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Creating a Lotus Graphic Organizer Interactive Quiz using PowerPoint By Michelle A. O’Malley League Academy of Communication Arts Greenville, South Carolina.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Lotus Graphic Organizer Interactive Quiz using PowerPoint By Michelle A. O’Malley League Academy of Communication Arts Greenville, South Carolina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Lotus Graphic Organizer Interactive Quiz using PowerPoint By Michelle A. O’Malley League Academy of Communication Arts Greenville, South Carolina Next

2 Slide direction is sequential - you move from slide one to slide two to slide three etc.... Slide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4 Next

3 With a Linear PowerPoint you will most likely “left” click the mouse every time you want to advance from one slide to the next Slide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4 Next

4 Slide direction is not in any specific order - you can move from slide one to slide two to slide three etc.... or you can move from slide one to slide three or from slide four to slide two and back again etc.... Slide 1 Slide 2Slide 3 Slide 4 Next

5 Slide 1 Slide 2Slide 3 Slide 4 With a Non-Linear PowerPoint you will Place your Pointer and click on a “hyperlinked action button” to advance from one screen to the next. Next

6 A. Select Slide Show on top toolbar Step 1: Format Slide Show B. Select Set Up Show… C. Select Browsed at a kiosk (full screen) D. Select OK Note: this setting changes your PowerPoint presentation from a non- linear to a linear format. You must now use buttons to move from slide to slide.

7 Next Step 2: Create a Title Slide A. Select title box layout B. Type your title and give yourself credit

8 By Michelle A. O’Malley League Academy of Communication Arts Forward to Lotus Diagram Next Note: We will add action buttons a little later.

9 Next A. Select the title and text layout Step 3: Create a Directions Page B. Type your slide title “Directions” in the top box C. Type your presentation directions in this location

10 Directions This is a Non-Linear Interactive Program. Please click on the hyperlinks (underlined words that appear in a different color from the rest of the text) or the action buttons to move from one screen to another. (underlined words that appear in a different color from the rest of the text) Press the ESC Button anytime you would like to stop the presentation program. BackForward Back To Lotus Diagram Next Note: We will add action buttons a little later.

11 Next Step 4: Create Lotus Diagram Screen in PowerPoint A. Select insert table button on top toolbar B. Choose 9 Boxes (3 Columns and 3 Rows C. Format size of table by dragging your corners to increase or decrease your table size

12 Next Step 5: Add your concept circle in the center box of table A. Add your main concept circle to the center box by clicking the circle object on the bottom toolbar. B. Format circle size and shape by dragging the corner placeholder while holding down your left mouse button.

13 Next Step 6: Add Action Buttons to your Lotus Diagram A. Select Slide Show on the top toolbar B. Select Action Buttons in drop down box C. Choose desired action button D. Repeat Steps A, B, and C until an action button has been added in each table box. Note: you may want to add action buttons to the bottom of your screen to allow the user to return to the directions page and the work cited page.

14 Next Step 7: Add text to each of your action buttons A. Select desired action button by left clicking your mouse. B. Select Text box on bottom toolbar C. Click inside your action button and type your topic. Note: format text the same way you would any text box. D. Repeat steps A, B, and C until all action boxes have been labeled.

15 Flower Reproduction: What are the reproductive parts of a flower? Style Stigma Ovary Pistil Filament Anther Stamen Seed Back to Direction’s Page Work Cited Next Step 8: Type Main Concept inside center circle by adding a text box as previously instructed

16 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Flowers Flowers produce seeds Many Flowers contain both male and female parts needed to produce new flowers Flower petals are often colored or have a scent so as to attract insects and other animals. rts.gif Next Step 9: Create information screens that you want each button to connect to

17 Next Step 10: Add action buttons to your title screen, direction’s screen, and information screens as previously instructed

18 Next Step 11: Format each action button A. Right click on desired action button B. Select Action Settings…

19 Next Step 12: Continue formatting action buttons A. Select Hyperlink to: B. Select slide in drop down menu C. Select desired slide you want your action button to connect to D. Click OK E. Repeat this process until all action buttons on your lotus diagram and other screens have been formatted You are finished and ready to begin using your Interactive Lotus

20 Flower Reproduction: What are the reproductive parts of a flower? Style Stigma Ovary Pistil Filament Anther Stamen Seed Back to Direction’s Page Work Cited

21 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Flowers Flowers produce seeds Many Flowers contain both male and female parts needed to produce new flowers Flower petals are often colored or have a scent so as to attract insects and other animals. ower%20parts.gif Back To Lotus Diagram

22 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Stamen The Stamen is the male reproductive part of a flower The Stamen contains two parts the anther and the stalk or filament. Back To Lotus Diagram

23 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Anther Knob on top of the filament The anther produces the pollen. Back To Lotus Diagram

24 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Filament Filament is the think stalk that holds the anther Back To Lotus Diagram

25 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Pistil The pistil is the female part of the flower that contains the ovary, stigma, and style. Back To Lotus Diagram

26 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Ovary –The ovary contains the ovules or egg cells Back To Lotus Diagram

27 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Stigma –The stigma contains the sticky top where pollen grains land Back To Lotus Diagram

28 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Style –The style is a stalk in which the pollen tube grows after pollination has taken place Back To Lotus Diagram

29 Plant Kingdom: Plants have structures for Reproduction: Seeds Seeds are fertilized ovules from which new plants are formed A fruit that is formed from the ovary often protects them UTF-8&rls=TSHA,TSHA:2006-07,TSHA:en&q=corn+seed Back To Lotus Diagram

30 Can you label the flower below? stigma petal style ovary sepal stem filament anther Back To Lotus Diagram

31 Works Cited Back To Lotus Diagram  Science Explorer: From Bacteria to Plants by Jan Jenner, Ph.D., Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 2000.  Graphics from Microsoft Office  Greenville County Schools Science Curriculum Support Guide

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