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Welcome to MT140 Introduction to Management Instructor - Tom Gilchrist Unit 10 Seminar - Reflection.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to MT140 Introduction to Management Instructor - Tom Gilchrist Unit 10 Seminar - Reflection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to MT140 Introduction to Management Instructor - Tom Gilchrist Unit 10 Seminar - Reflection

2 Introduction In this unit, you are encouraged to engage in personal reflection. Consider how the course has impacted you personally, academically and professionally.

3 Unit 1: Introduction to Management In Unit 1, we established our classroom community and introduced ourselves to each other. We reviewed the course syllabus and other important start of class information. We learned how to retrieve documents from Doc Sharing and how to name files with the Kaplan file-naming conventions. We learned how to submit an assignment for grading into the unit Dropbox. These are necessary activities for successful work in class!!

4 Unit 2: Foundations of Management In Unit 2, we examined the environmental forces that shape the business organization. It is within these environmental forces that the manager must work to pursue the overall goals of the business organization. We learned that the business organization is an open system, constantly exchanging information with both its Macro-Environment and its competitive environment. We examined major management theories over time and saw how they can apply to the modern business organization.

5 Unit 3 Planning In Unit 3, we introduced the four functions of management: Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling (POLC). We began this examination by looking at the first of these, the Planning function. We learned that strategic, tactical, and operational plans are all essential to the management of a business organization and that each must be in pursuit of the overall goals of the business. We discovered that each of these occur at different levels of the organization. We also looked at a popular planning tool, the SWOT analysis for examining a business’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

6 Unit 4: Organizing In Unit 4, we examined the second of our four functions of management (POLC), Organizing. We examined the different ways a business organization can be structured and some implications for the choice of structure. We looked at both vertical and horizontal organizations and examined the characteristics of each. We looked at the different levels of authority and the process of delegation.

7 Unit 5: Leading In Unit 5, we looked at the third function of management (POLC), Leading. We examined the traits of a good leader and learned how essential vision is to the leadership process. We studied different styles of leadership and how good leaders lead and motivate employees to work together towards the goals of the organization.

8 Unit 6: Control In the Unit 6, we examined our last management function (POLC), Control. We learned the importance of accurate control systems at each level of the business organization. We also learned the features of some basic control systems that work to ensure successful achievement of the organization’s goals and the importance to good measurement within the control process.

9 Unit 7: Effective Teams In Unit 7, we studied the special advantages that groups working together as teams can bring to the workplace. We also looked at the different types of teams at different levels within the organization and what they do. We examined some potential problems that can develop within teams and things managers can do to promote healthy teamwork within their organizations.

10 Unit 8 In Unit 8, we approached the subject of ethics and the responsibilities that businesses have to be good corporate citizens within their communities. We looked at the special responsibilities that managers have to serve as exemplary models of ethical leadership conduct as well as creating an effective ethical climate within their organizations. This includes good corporate ethics standards, ethics codes, and ethics programs. We also examined the role of corporate social responsibility in the life of the business. Finally, we examined the important topic of diversity in the workplace and how good managers can embrace diversity to build better and more competitive organizations.

11 Unit 9: Communication In Unit 9, we examined the twin challenges of good communication and managing change within business organizations. We learned the essentials of good communication practices and how to avoid communication pitfalls. We also looked at the element of change within organizations and the need for this change to be effectively managed to motivate employees to support organizational goals and to minimize resistance to needed changes.

12 Unit 10 In our final Unit 10, it is a time for personal reflection. How has this course benefited you personally and professionally? Consider how this course will assist you as you go forward. Will this make you a better employee or a better manager? Will what you have learned in this class prove useful to you as you seek managerial responsibilities and new work opportunities? Will this course help provide you with more managerial tools? “It is in the application of knowledge, that one gains the real purpose of learning”

13 Graded Assignments There are 3 graded assignments in Unit 10: Review Quiz Discussion Assignment Writing Assignment (This assignment is due Sunday, at midnight EST. )

14 Writing Assignment After reflecting on what you have learned and how you have benefited by taking MT140 Introduction to Management, please write a response to the questions below. Please answer the following questions in your paper: 1. Reflect and describe which key concepts and topics in this course have made you a stronger candidate to enter the business world. 2. Discuss how this course has affected you in your professional development as a student and as a person as well as encouraging you on your academic path. Respond using the critical elements below and submit your minimum one page response to the Dropbox. This assignment is due: Sunday, midnight EST.

15 Thank You for Joining Me For This Course! Good Night All!

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