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Hon Ip Lau Suk-Yee, Regina 20 December 2012. In civil services, verbal communications are based on written correspondences and the role of the official.

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Presentation on theme: "Hon Ip Lau Suk-Yee, Regina 20 December 2012. In civil services, verbal communications are based on written correspondences and the role of the official."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hon Ip Lau Suk-Yee, Regina 20 December 2012

2 In civil services, verbal communications are based on written correspondences and the role of the official writing language is of vital significance. Unlike the business world where transactions are often based on words of mouth, decisions and transactions in civil services have to be prudently recorded and implemented accordingly. Civil servants of almost all ranks and positions have to rely on written communications to make, process, implement and keep track of proposals and decisions. Historically, English has been the official language used in all formal communications among civil servants in Hong Kong (both internally and externally in the forms of a variety of documentations and written transactions). Since the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, Chinese has become much more common in written correspondences. Formal documents for external circulations are now prepared in both official languages, whilst English remains prominent in internal communications among civil servants. Civil servants went through intensive training in written communications, with much emphasis on accuracy and clarity The highly structured frameworks by which communications are constructed often require and in turn facilitate thorough understanding of the issues in concern.

3 Legislative Council documents Executive Council documents Internal Minute Telegrams to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minutes of Meeting

4 Examples of documents: Legislative Council Panel background briefs Written question raised by members and the administration’s reply Appendix: background

5 The basic format of the documents is as follows: Introduction: Purpose Background Context/ Issue: Positioning/ planning and feasibility study for the proposed policies/ units Key features/ details of the proposal Implications: Staffing implications Public engagement exercises Development plans Time frame/ implementation schedule Financial implications Answers in response to questions raised by members of the council/ the public Recent developments (major changes to the development plans)

6 Introduction: Purpose Background Context/ Issue: Planning and engineering study Public engagement exercises Recommended development plans Implications: Implementation mechanism and rehousing arrangements Concerns raised by members of the council/ the public Comprehensive planning Transport network and connectivity with nearby areas Nature/ ecological conservation Implementation mechanism Recent developments (major changes to the development plans) Increase in development intensity to better meet long-term housing needs More robust zonings to promote economic development Mixture of different housing types and timely provision facilities Designating Long Valley as Nature Park

7 The basic format of an Executive Council Memo is as follows: Introduction Issues Implications: Financial and civil service implications Economic implications Other implications Public reaction and publicity Communication Strategy Background (appendix)

8 The basic format of an internal minute is as follows: S for S Via PS(1)/ DPS (1) Issue Arguments Background of the case Recommendation PAS (S) D1

9 The basic format of a telegram to the FCO is as follows: Summary Detail Comment

10 Two types of minutes of meeting: Verbatim Summary of Actions Required


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