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GITA Tower Defense Spencer Woo. Movement Spawn from here Final Destination.

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1 GITA Tower Defense Spencer Woo


3 Movement Spawn from here Final Destination

4 How to build towers Play by constructing towers Click on a tower and it will give you a short description of the tower If you wish to purchase it the tower click buy it. Now place the tower

5 Place it on the grass Dirt is an invalid location If you change your mind you can Cancel the tower being built

6 The bar to the right shows your current status in the game. Level indicates the level you are on Show how many lives are remaining Is the money you currently have Skill Points – which are used to unlock special towers and are gained every 7 levels (7, 14, 21, 28) The bar located (right) is at the bottom Of your interface. This output tells you the next level details The Start button begins the next round, if the current round is finished

7 Towers For more detail than the following information check out the “Instructions” menu in the game. The requirements and specifics of tower details are there.

8 Basic No upgrades required Deals simple damage Can target multiple targets (does not just shoot 4 at one target) Sold for 90%

9 Circle No upgrades required Shoots 4 individual bullets in the directions shown Up, Down, Left, and Right Sold for 90%

10 Poison 3 Skill point upgrade required Slows enemies and deals damage over time Sold for 50%

11 Earth 1 Skill Point upgrade required Deals splash damage based on the distance from the collision Sold for 50%

12 Turret 2 Skill Point upgrade required User manipulated tower Rotate and shoot a maximum of 5 bullets Cannot be sold

13 Levels Normal is the control Fast has increased movement Double spawns 20 creeps, instead of the usual 10 Boss (Immune) moves naturally but isn’t affected by the Poison Slow Boss (Slow) is a high health enemy that moves slow Bosses take 3 lives away, while other creeps take 1

14 Total of 30 levels If you lose all of your lives before reaching level 30 the game ends. Your score is the level you have reached ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you manage to beat all 30 levels you no longer gain any money, yet the game continues infinitely to better score skill. Once you lose all of your lives and are higher than level 30 an “ultimate” (invincible) boss gauges how much total damage you do. Your score is calculated by how many levels you have completed, how many lives you lost (how many lives you went under 0), and how much damage dealt to the boss.

15 Losing Once you lose all of your lives (-1), you have lost the game. You view your score, or what level you have reached and are redirected to the main menu.

16 Hotkeys Left and Right arrow keys to move for turret tower Space to shoot for turret tower H-Toggle the health bars G-Start Button Q-Basic Tower W-Circle Tower A-Earth TowerS-Turret TowerD- Poison Tower Z-Unlock EarthX-Unlock TurretC-Unlock Poison B- Buy/Cancel/Upgrade N- Sell


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