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Please use caution when accessing the back cushion, Please use protective gloves for Option one. Please try not to remove your back cushions unless necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "Please use caution when accessing the back cushion, Please use protective gloves for Option one. Please try not to remove your back cushions unless necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please use caution when accessing the back cushion, Please use protective gloves for Option one. Please try not to remove your back cushions unless necessary. They are made to be removed but excessive removal could cause damage to the brackets and back. Please see the following steps in removing your back cushions

2 Option one – step 1 Open the zipper on the bottom of back, then you can see the bracket.

3 Option one – step 2 Reach the lock with one hand

4 Option one – step 3 Pull the lock outwards with one hand to unlock the bracket, in the mean time, pull the back up with the other hand to take off the back.

5 Option two – step 1 Put one hand on the place pointed with red arrow

6 Option two – step 1 Put the other hand on this place pointed with red arrow and one leg on the wood rail pointed with green arrow, then pull up the back to take off the back.

7 Option two – step 2 After taking off the Right/Left backs, then take off the middle back.

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