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Year 5 Curriculum Meeting Red Hill Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 Curriculum Meeting Red Hill Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 Curriculum Meeting Red Hill Primary School

2 The Year Five Team Mr FitzGerald Mrs Lucas and Mrs Richards Miss Evans Miss Stephens Support staff – Mrs Fuller, Mr English Individual Support Staff – Mrs Denyer, Mrs Winter, Miss Young f

3 Expectations Punctuality and attendance. Red Hill Stars - Responsibility for own learning Pride and effort in work and presentation New curriculum – higher expectations r

4 Being prepared All children should come to school prepared to learn. This can be helped by having school week routines at home. The children need to bring in their reading book and record everyday as this is a useful method of communication between home and school. Named PE kit should be in school everyday and consist of t-shirt in team colour, navy shorts, plimsolls, outdoor trainers, and tracksuit for the colder weather. Proper uniform at all times. e

5 Your children in Year 5 2015 -2016 Ofsted June 2015 We are committed to ensuring that we address recommendations Although lots of things are being introduced this term, these were already planned prior to the visit. f

6 Assessment – ‘Life after Levels’ A new National curriculum was introduced in September 2014 and the existing system of assessment levels has now been removed. This change applies to all children in the schools. The Government has left it up to schools to design their own assessment framework. Red Hill is using the ‘STAT Sheffield‘ assessment approach. The children will now be assessed using steps which describe their attainment against the National Curriculum statements for each year. The new curriculum has increased expectations for all year groups. Teachers will talk to children about their next steps so they know what they need to do work on. Attainment and progress will be discussed at parents evening. For further information, see handout on Assessing the new National Curriculum – Steps. s

7 English At Red Hill, our English curriculum covers a range of narrative, non-fiction and poetry genres. We will include opportunities for speaking and listening, grammar, punctuation and written tasks. This term we are very excited to be part of the Bromley Schools’ Talk 4 Writing Project. This was written by children’s author Pie Corbett and evidence shows that it has made a real impact in other schools, giving children the opportunity to hear, re-tell and create stories. The purpose is to inspire children to want to write and engage in their writing. The spine of this is using guided talk and discussion and modelling texts. r

8 Guided Reading In Year Five we use individual reading with staff as well as Guided Reading sessions Guided reading is taught everyday in class. Each child is in a group and the activity rotates over the week. The emphasis is placed on inference and deduction from the text, finding information– not just reading the book. Questioning is key to the child’s understanding. e

9 Spellings Learning needs to happen in school and at home. There is little evidence, though, that the traditional practice of learning spellings at home and being tested on them is effective in helping children understand ‘spelling’. Therefore, Red Hill Primary School will not be holding weekly spelling tests. Instead, the children will receive spelling homework linked to the spellings being taught. They should practise these regularly throughout the week, rather than once a week. There is a high expectation within the new National Curriculum that pupils will learn many increasingly complex words. r

10 How will it be effective? Within the programme, learning and the assessment of spellings is built into each six-week block. Within the sessions a range of strategies for learning spellings are introduced and practised. This enables pupils to choose the strategies they find most effective for learning different words. They will be assessed regularly through formal testing, dictation and error analysis of independent writing. We will give children word work strategies that will enable them to become fluent readers and confident writers. f

11 Homework Homework is set each week on a Friday and consists of one English task, Spellings and a piece of Mathematics work. Homework is then due in by the following Wednesday. The children are expected to read daily and should record this in their reading journal. Reading should be a mixture of different texts and a mixture of reading independently and with an adult. s

12 Reading at Home Read around the subject… Look out for books or magazines related to any of the topics your child is studying at school in science, history, art and so on. Newspapers, magazines, leaflets and other text types are great to read too! They can read on a tablet if they prefer! Recommended Authors Jacqueline Wilson J. K. Rowling Roald Dahl Michael Morpurgo Jeremy Strong David Walliams How to Train your Dragon series Goosebumps series s

13 Asking Questions Talk to your child about what they are reading, ask questions and make comparisons. Have you read any other books by this author? What do you think about the character? How did the character react to the….? What do you think this book will be about? What might happen next? s

14 Maths Numeracy including Mental Arithmetic Areas of study Handling data Money & real life problems Mental calculations. Measures Number Shape Main Concepts Applying their knowledge: multi-step word problems All times tables Explaining reasoning and calculations Setting out work independently r

15 Mathematics Children must learn: All times tables up to 12x12 and the corresponding division facts. To multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100, 1000. To quickly recall all number bonds to 100 and to apply them to other calculations. e

16 Dice Games Using 12 sided dice and place value dice are a fun way for children to play games and quickly learn their mental maths facts. f

17 Maths Passports Maths Passports are designed to develop children’s mental maths skills; Aimed to develop confidence in mathematical recall ability to aid rapid recall of facts such as times tables; Gives confidence to children doing calculations mentally; Give the ability to apply their mathematical knowledge to real life; The older children will then be travelling to different continents/countries around the world, collecting their passports as their maths skills develop. e Your child has been given a passport appropriate to their current step in maths. When your child’s teacher is satisfied that your child is confident, quick and accurate, they will be given their completed passport with a special certificate and will then be able to move onto their next passport. We know that if we work in partnership, with practice at home and lots of practice in school, that your child’s mental maths skills will flourish and they will be able to master their maths skills using their passport.

18 PSHE and Safety In PSHE, Year 5 pupils will learn about the following areas; Feelings, friends and friendships Me and my relationships Anti-bullying Lifestyles and culture Personal safety Whole school focus on Esafety Educate and Celebrate s

19 Important dates this term Trip to Chislehurst Caves Half term – Monday 26 th – Friday 30 th October Inset Day - Monday 2 nd November (children return to school on Tuesday 3 rd November.) Open Morning – 11 th November Children in Need – Come dressed in Spots – Friday 13 th November Christmas Jumper Day – Monday 14 th December(£2.00) Pantomine in school -15 th December Christmas Party ( own clothes) – Thursday 17 th December Last Day of Autumn Term – Friday 18 th December – school closes at 1.30 pm Children return to school on Monday 4 th January 2016 jfjf

20 Thank you for coming

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