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International tutoring in Oulu UAS OSAKO. Tutor’s responsibility 0 The first impression of the student’s own degree programme and of the whole UAS is.

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Presentation on theme: "International tutoring in Oulu UAS OSAKO. Tutor’s responsibility 0 The first impression of the student’s own degree programme and of the whole UAS is."— Presentation transcript:

1 International tutoring in Oulu UAS OSAKO

2 Tutor’s responsibility 0 The first impression of the student’s own degree programme and of the whole UAS is influenced by the tutor  A cheery and happy performance helps creating a positive image! 0 Think carefully what kind of info you give  Remember your responsibility as the representative of your degree programme  Telling the negative things doesn’t serve the purpose, let the student form his/her own opinion

3 Tutor’s responsibility 0 The relationship between a tutor and a student is confidential  The student must be able to trust the tutor and that the discussions stay private 0 Tutor must act as an example and to be the leader and carrier of responsibility

4 Credits from tutoring 0 Basic tutoring, 3 cr 0 International tutoring, 3 cr 0 Comprehensive student tutoring, 4 cr 0 Includes Basic tutoring / International tutoring 0 Tutor representatives studies, 5 cr 0 Includes Basic tutoring / International tutoring

5 Credits from tutoring 0 Requirements: 0 Participating in the training 0 Working as an active tutor / tutor representative for one academic year 0 Participating in school’s / OSAKO’s tutor meetings 0 Report and study journal 0 You can write it as a blog 0 Instructions in International tutor’s guide 0 Return to OSAKO’s Secretary of Educational Affairs

6 Credits from tutoring 0 Return the study journal and report to OSAKO’s Secretary of Educational Affairs 0 Secretary of Educational Affairs and international co- ordinators recommend that the student be either passed or failed 0 Credits are given by the study counsellor 0 Report form and instructions can be found as attachments in the International tutor’s guide 2011

7 You will get 0 International tutor t-shirt 0 A bagde 0 Free entrance to Preludi 0 Tutor picnic and Christmas party

8 International tutoring in schools 0 International Relations Coordinators plans school’s international tutoring 0 Bastian Fähnrich (Engineering) 0 Piritta Nätynki, Anna Kolehmainen (Business and Information Management) 0 Sonja Heikkinen (Music, Dance and Media) 0 Arja Maunumäki (Renewable Natural Resources) 0 Marita Metsävainio (Health and Social Care) 0 Kati Mäenpää (Oulainen) 0 OSAKO informs International Relations Coordinators of new tutors 0 You will get more information in school specific training / info 0 Either in spring or early fall

9 What to do if 0 You are not available for tutoring 0 NOTIFY 0 Your school’s international coordinator 0 OSAKO’s Secretary of Educational Affairs 0 Your work load is too big 0 CONTACT 0 OSAKO’s Secerary of Educational Affairs 0 Tutor representative 0 You don’t know what to do with your tutor students 0 DISCUSS 0 With other tutors 0 With OSAKO’s international team or tutor team

10 Contact us If you have any questions regarding credits contact Jaana Immonen 050 581 4934 Noora Nousiainen 050 563 2068

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