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By: Dalton,Ta’shun, Destinee. Nagarta Tombalbaye (1918-75) was the first of the independent Republic of Chad. Goukouni Oueddei (b.1994) served (1979-82)

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Presentation on theme: "By: Dalton,Ta’shun, Destinee. Nagarta Tombalbaye (1918-75) was the first of the independent Republic of Chad. Goukouni Oueddei (b.1994) served (1979-82)"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Dalton,Ta’shun, Destinee


3 Nagarta Tombalbaye (1918-75) was the first of the independent Republic of Chad. Goukouni Oueddei (b.1994) served (1979-82) as president and subsequently led a Libyan-backed rival governmental northern Chad.

4 The majority of the people in Chad are living in the Sahara desert are nomands which means that these people are always moving from place to place. For their meals e animals nomands can use only food such as rice,they also use sheep and camel meat in their recipe because those animals move with them.

5 Lowest Point : Djourab Depression 160 m Highest Point : Emi Koussi 3,415m Lake Chad (110,ooo km) Sahara dessert (8,600,000 km2) Tebesti mountains (3,415m) Weather: hot,dry,dusty, harmattan winds occur in north periodic droughts; locust plagues Climate: Tropical in south,dessert in north Land Use: Arable land ;2.8%,permanent crops 0.02% other ;97.18%

6 Clothing-People in Chad remain in thick clothing to cover every part of their body. Men Light colored cotton long robes and cotton trousers. Women-Long and thick gowns,which covers every part of their bodies. Boys-simple cotton shirts and pants Girls-wraparounds and shirts. Food-Common Dish set grain porridge, made of sorghum or millet flour served with sauces that contain meat dried fish tomatoes, onions and good spices. No fish in diet. Primary Religion- Muslium,Christian,Indigeous.

7 Language- French, Arabic, Sango, Sara Christmas in Chad is celebrated with traditional enthusiasm and fervor. This central African country has many festivals to offer but Christmas figures prominently along the major festivals of the country and it celebrated all over the country with equal spirit. Ethnic GrouSara 27.7%, Arab 12.3%, Mayo-Kebbi 11.5%, Kanem-Bornou 9%, Ouaddai 8.7%, Hadjarai 6.7%, Tandjile 6.5%, Gorane 6.3%, Fitri-Batha 4.7%, other 6.4%, unknown 0.3% Music-Rap today music jazz and French

8 Government-Republic Date Founded-1960 Chad’s Population-10,780,600 18 people per square mile Chad’s major export –cotton Chad’s Major import –Machinery



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