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Presentation on theme: "NEUTRINO MASSES AND OSCILLATIONS NEUTRINO MASSES AND OSCILLATIONS Triumphs and Challenges R. D. McKeown Caltech."— Presentation transcript:


2 Outline Historical introduction Neutrino Oscillations Vacuum Oscillations Matter Oscillations Neutrino Masses The Near Future Outlook

3 1869 Historical Perspective UPCHARMTOP DOWNSTRANGEBOTTOM ELECTRON e MUON  TAU  1913 ??? 1 2 3

4 New “Periodic Table”

5 Discovery of the Neutrino – 1956 F. Reines, Nobel Lecture, 1995

6 Early History 1936- discovery of the muon (I. Rabi: Who ordered that ??) 1950’s - discovery of ’s at nuclear reactors 1958 – B. Pontecorvo proposes neutrino oscillations 60’s and 70’s – were studied with accelerator experiments e ≠  "All you have to do is imagine something that does practically nothing. You can use your son-in-law as a prototype."

7 More Recent History 1968 – 1 st solar anomaly evidence 1980’s – new interest in neutrino masses and oscillations: ’s as dark matter?? 1980-present: the quest for neutrino oscillations 1998 Super-Kamiokande obtains first evidence for neutrino oscillations

8 Two Generation Model 1.24 (P e  minimum)

9 Length & Energy Scales E = 1 GeV,  m 2 =10 -3 eV 2, L = 1240 km Super-K!! 1.24 (P e  minimum)

10 30 kton H 2 0 Cherenkov 11000 20” PMT’s

11 Super-Kamiokande Results Neutrino Oscillation Interpretation  K2K, MINOS   > 0.001

12 Length & Energy Scales E = 1 GeV,  m 2 =10 -3 eV 2, L = 1240 km E = 1 MeV,  m 2 =10 -3 eV 2, L = 1.2 km Super-K Chooz, Palo Verde 1.24 (P e  minimum)

13 Reactor Neutrino Experiments e from n-rich fission products detection via inverse beta decay ( e +p  e + +n) Measure flux and energy spectrum Variety of distances L= 10-1000 m


15 Precise Measurements Flux and Energy Spectrum  ~1-2 %

16 Early Reactor Oscillation Searches 10 3 Distance (m)

17 Enter Long Baseline (180 km) Calibrated source(s) Large detector (1 kton) Deep underground (2700 mwe)

18 Length & Energy Scales E = 1 GeV,  m 2 =10 -3 eV 2, L = 1240 km E = 1 MeV,  m 2 =10 -3 eV 2, L = 1.2 km E = 1 MeV,  m 2 =10 -5 eV 2, L = 125 km Super-K Chooz, Palo Verde 1.24 (P e  minimum)

19 Statistical errors only Designed to test solar neutrino oscillation parameters on Earth (!) KamLAND has a much longer baseline than previous (reactor) experiments

20 Only a few places in the World could host an experiment like KamLAND…

21 KamLAND uses the entire Japanese nuclear power industry as a long­baseline source Kashiwazaki Takahama Ohi

22 Narrow baseline range: 85.3% of signal has 140 km < L < 344 km The total electric power produced “as a by-product” of the ’s is: by-product” of the ’s is: ~60 GW or...~60 GW or... ~4% of the world’s manmade power or…~4% of the world’s manmade power or… ~20% of the world’s nuclear power~20% of the world’s nuclear power

23 Spectrum Distortion

24 KamLAND Detector 1879 1000 Ton (Cosmic veto) (135  m)

25 - R prompt, delayed < 5.5 m - ΔR e-n < 2 m - 0.5 μs < ΔT e-n < 1 ms - 1.8 MeV < E delayed < 2.6 MeV - 2.6 MeV < E prompt < 8.5 MeV Tagging efficiency 89.8% Tagging efficiency 89.8% …In addition: …In addition: - 2s veto for showering/bad μ - 2s veto in a R = 3m tube along track Dead-time 9.7% Dead-time 9.7% Selecting antineutrinos, E prompt >2.6MeV (543.7 ton) 5.5 m fiducial cut Balloon edge

26 Ratio of Measured and Expected e Flux from Reactor Neutrino Experiments Solar :  m 2 = 5.5x10 -5 eV 2 sin 2 2  = 0.833 G.Fogli et al., PR D66, 010001-406, (2002)

27 Measurement of Energy Spectrum

28 Oscillation Effect

29 KamLAND best fit :  m 2 = 7.9 x 10 -5 eV 2 tan 2  = 0.45


31 Solar Neutrino Energy Spectrum

32 More missing neutrinos…

33 Neutrino Oscillations? R orbit “Just So ??? “

34 Length & Energy Scales E = 1 GeV,  m 2 =10 -3 eV 2, L = 1240 km E = 1 MeV,  m 2 =10 -3 eV 2, L = 1.2 km E = 1 MeV,  m 2 =10 -5 eV 2, L = 125 km Super-K Chooz, Palo Verde 1.24 (P e  minimum) E = 1 MeV,  m 2 =10 -11 eV 2, L = 10 8 km

35 Matter Enhanced Oscillation (MSW) Mikheyev, Smirnov, Wolfenstein   

36 Enter SNO… e + d  p + p + e - ( CC ) x + d  p + n + x ( NC ) x + e -  x + e - ( ES )

37 Neutrino Mixing Neutrino Masses Flavor Oscillations +

38 Combined fit with solar neutrino data  m 2 =7.9 +0.6 -0.5 x10 -5 eV 2 tan 2  =0.40 +0.10 -0.07

39 Open circles: combined best fit Closed circles: experimental data

40 RECENT NEWS MiniBOONE refutes LSND! LSND ruled out at 98% confidence

41 Maki – Nakagawa – Sakata Matrix Future Reactor Experiment! CP violation

42 Why so different??? <

43 New “Periodic Table”

44 “Seesaw mechanism” M The Mass Puzzle

45 Why haven’t we seen R ? Extra Dimension All charged particles are on a 3-brane Right-handed neutrinos SM gauge singlet  Can propagate in the “bulk” Makes neutrino mass small (Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali, March-Russell; Dienes, Dudas, Gherghetta) Barbieri-Strumia: SN1987A constraint  “Warped” extra dimension (Grossman, Neubert) or more than one extra dimensions Or SUSY breaking (Arkani-Hamed, Hall, HM, Smith, Weiner; Arkani-Hamed, Kaplan, HM, Nomura) (From H.Murayama)

46 Baseline ~2km More powerful reactors Multiple detectors → measure ratio The Quest for  13 at the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant

47 4 reactor cores, 11.6 GW 2 more cores in 2011, 5.8 GW Mountains provide overburden to shield cosmic-ray backgrounds Daya Bay nuclear power plant

48 DYB NPP region Location and surroundings 55 km

49 Experiment Layout

50 Detector modules Three zone modular structure: I. target: Gd-loaded scintillator II. g-catcher: normal scintillator III. Buffer shielding: oil Reflector at top and bottom 192 8”PMT/module Photocathode coverage: 5.6 %  12%(with reflector) 20 t Gd-LS LS oil Target: 20 t, 1.6m g-catcher: 20t, 45cm Buffer: 40t, 45cm

51 Sensitivity to Sin 2 2q 13 Experiment construction: 2008-2010 Start acquiring data: 2010 3 years running 90% CL, 3 years

52 Goals for the future Establish  13 non-zero Measure CP violation Determine mass hierarchy Also: Majorana or Dirac Sterile species?

53 e Appearance CP violation matter T2K- From Tokai To Kamioka Mass hierarchy (+/-)

54 L = 810 km NO A - New Fermilab Proposal


56 Parameters Consistent with a 1% and 4%   e oscillation probability

57 NO A (5 yr ) Daya Bay  CP normal inverted Daya Bay will complement NO A


59 FNALto Homestake


61 Neutrino Factory -- CERN layout    e + e   _ interacts giving   oscillates e     interacts giving    WRONG SIGN MUON 10 16 p/ s 1.2 10 14  s =1.2 10 21  yr 3 10 20 e  yr 3 10 20   yr 0.9 10 21  yr

62 Beta Beams

63 Other Future Studies Double beta decay (m<0.1 eV) (Majorana only!) Direct measurements (m< 1 eV) (KATRIN) Cosmological Input (m<0.2 eV) (Planck satellite)

64 My prediction: We will measure: neutrino mass hierarchy CP violation in mixing And know the role of ’s in particle physics cosmology All in time for Keh-Fei’s 70 th !!



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