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1 CHAPTER 7 UNEXPECTED INPUT. 2 Why Unexpected Data is Dangerous Three classes of attack can result from unexpected data: Three classes of attack can.

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2 2 Why Unexpected Data is Dangerous Three classes of attack can result from unexpected data: Three classes of attack can result from unexpected data: –Buffer overflow »An attacker sent more data than the application expects »May not gracefully handle the surplus data »Example of language (do not properly handle surplus), C and C++ »Example of language (do properly handle surplus): Perl (Practical Extraction &Reporting Language) Perl (Practical Extraction &Reporting Language) PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) By increasing the size for variable storage By increasing the size for variable storage

3 3 Why Unexpected Data is Dangerous Three classes of attack can result from unexpected data: Three classes of attack can result from unexpected data: –System Function »Data use in some form to interact with a resources that is not contained within the application »It’s including running other application, accessing or working with files

4 4 Why Unexpected Data is Dangerous Three classes of attack can result from unexpected data: Three classes of attack can result from unexpected data: –Logic alteration »Data is crafted as a way to modify how the application’s logic handles it »It’s include diverting mechanism, altering Structured Query Language (SQL) queries and gaining access to parts of the application the attacker wouldn’t normally have access to Unexpected data do not have any specific format, can be as simple as supplying normal value that modifies the application’s intended logical execution Unexpected data do not have any specific format, can be as simple as supplying normal value that modifies the application’s intended logical execution

5 5 Situations Involving Unexpected Data HTTP / HTML HTTP / HTML –Cause: lack of understanding of how they work –The biggest mistake applications rely on the HTTP referrer header –Referrer header contains the address of the referring page –The client supplies the referrer header, so any altering with the client, it’s trivial to spoof –Dependency on HTML form limitations –Client-side filtering, validation on the form –Cookies, method give data to client & return back

6 6 Situations Involving Unexpected Data Unexpected Data in SQL queries Unexpected Data in SQL queries –Cause: the attacker is to modify the command that is sending to your database server –The biggest threat within SQL is that it’s possible to include extra command to be executed –Example: SELECT * FROM table WHERE x=$data »The value ($data) will be fill by the user. But, imagine an attacker sending the 10; SELECT * FROM table WHERE y=5 »So, the result string sent SELECT* FROM table WHERE x=10; SELECT* FROM table WHERE y=5;

7 7 Situations Involving Unexpected Data Disguising the Obvious Disguising the Obvious –Nowadays, there are few of application rely on signature matching. Signature matching is one of the unexpected data attack –Basic signature-matching network IDS has a list of various values and situations to look for on a network. So, the IDS processes will alert when a particular scene is matches –IDS (Intrusion Detection System) –Web request, using various tactics and inventions –Encoded –Self-referenced directory notation

8 8 Finding Vulnerabilities Same techniques to determine if an application is vulnerable Same techniques to determine if an application is vulnerable Black-boxing tactics: Black-boxing tactics: –Use intuition on what the application is doing –Run through the full interactive process from start to finish at least once. Look for hidden elements. Have opportunity to undo the filtering –Try to intentionally cause an error. Goal to see if application alerts to an error –Methodically work through each parameter, inserting first a single quote(‘) and then a double quote(“). Checking for possibility of breaking-out of a data string in a SQL query

9 9 Finding Vulnerabilities Black-boxing tactics: Black-boxing tactics: –Try to determine the need and usefulness of each parameter. Looking for strings or members tend to be session keys –Take into account the overall posture presented by the web site and the application and use that to hypothesize possible application aspects. If not custom coded find the source –Keep an eye out of anything that looks like a filename

10 10 Finding Vulnerabilities Black-boxing tactics: Black-boxing tactics: –Research and understand the technological limitations of the different types of web servers / scripting applications languages and database servers –Look for anything that seems to look like equation, formula or actual snippets of programming code –Put yourself in the coder’s position

11 11 Finding Vulnerabilities Use the source (Luke): Use the source (Luke): –Application auditing on source code available –calls the system function and trace back where the data being given to the system function comes from –Use techniques such as diffing to find vulnerabilities / changes between function

12 12 Finding Vulnerabilities Application Authentication: Application Authentication: –method to give a range random session or authentication key (popular method bruteforcing) –There are two serious concerns with this approach: »The key must prove to be truly random; any predictability will result in increased chances of an attacker guessing a valid session key »The size of the key space in comparison to the more extreme number of keys needed at any time –common method to use a SQL query against a database of usernames and password

13 13 Protection: Filtering Bad Data To combat unexpected data is to filter the data to what is expected To combat unexpected data is to filter the data to what is expected Escaping characters is not always enough Escaping characters is not always enough –Remove offending data Perl Perl –Perl’s translation command with delete modifier (tr///d) works very well for removing characters –Perl’s substitution operator (s///) is more flexible Cold Fusion/Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) Cold Fusion/Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML) »To remove unwanted characters from data »Has a regular replace function

14 14 Protection: Filtering Bad Data ASP ASP –Introduced a regex object into their newest scripting engine –Use the new engine to perform a regex replacement PHP PHP –Quotemeta-escape a small set of metacharacters –Addslashes-sanitize at used in SQL queries Protecting Your SQL Queries Protecting Your SQL Queries –method->quoting-to make sure that submitted data is properly contained within a set of quotes and that there are no renegades quotes contained within the data itself

15 15 Protection: Filtering Bad Data Silently Removing vs. Alerting on Bad Data Silently Removing vs. Alerting on Bad Data –Deal with incoming user data, two choices »Remove bad characters, save good & continue process »Stop immediately & alert to invalid input –Alerts can determine which characters by attacker –Silently filtering the data to any include safe characters yields some different problems »Integrity of data will be disturbed »Still can determine if apps prints the submitted data after changed –Better combine both approaches based on type and integrity of data

16 16 Protection: Filtering Bad Data Invalid Input Function Invalid Input Function –Function to report invalid data, especially can report when & how an attacker is trying to subvert your application logic –Suitable use for reporting unexpected data violations –Analysis, tuning filters with greater accuracy –Log character violations for above purpose –Can deal by alert & abort once hit

17 17 Protection: Filtering Bad Data Token Substitution Token Substitution –The trick where you substitute a token (typically a large, random session key) –To correlate sensitive database, reference to the data –Token values must be huge & random if not attacker possibly can guess

18 18 Available Safety Features Some features to reduce or minimize the risks of vulnerabilities: Some features to reduce or minimize the risks of vulnerabilities: –Perl »has a ‘taint’, enables with the-T command-line switch. It will warn when a user data pass into command( bind, chdir, chmod etc) »by passing tainted data, it will refusing to execute your script and appear a message »to ‘untaint’, use Perl’s matching regex (m///)

19 19 Available Safety Features Some features to reduce or minimize the risks of vulnerabilities: Some features to reduce or minimize the risks of vulnerabilities: –PHP »includes a ‘safe-mode’, that limit the uses of PHP’s system function »when safe mode is enables: PHP limits-only to access file owned by the UID or files in directory owned by PHP UID »he use of exec, system, passthru and popen only be able to run application contained in PHP_SAFE_MODE_EXEC_DIR directory »Mysql-Connect limits – only allow database connections(UID of the Web server / UID of the current running script)

20 20 Available Safety Features Some features to reduce or minimize the risks of vulnerabilities: Some features to reduce or minimize the risks of vulnerabilities: –Cold Fusion/Cold Fusion Markup Language »used to limits the scope of system functions –ASP (VBScript and JScript) »contain a configuration switch, disallows”../” notation. So, the attacker are possible to gain access to the file not found under the root Web directory –MySQL »contains the ability to read data in from or out to files during queries using this syntax: SELECT * INTO FILE ”/file/to/save.db” FROM table »limit this by not granting ‘file’ permission to any users(in MySQL)

21 21 End Of Chapter 7

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