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© GEO Secretariat Collaboration with Partner Organizations – GEO/GEOSS ICG-WIGOS Geneva, Switzerland 18 March 2013 Barbara J. Ryan Director, GEO Secretariat.

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Presentation on theme: "© GEO Secretariat Collaboration with Partner Organizations – GEO/GEOSS ICG-WIGOS Geneva, Switzerland 18 March 2013 Barbara J. Ryan Director, GEO Secretariat."— Presentation transcript:

1 © GEO Secretariat Collaboration with Partner Organizations – GEO/GEOSS ICG-WIGOS Geneva, Switzerland 18 March 2013 Barbara J. Ryan Director, GEO Secretariat

2 Created in 2005, to develop a coordinated and sustained Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to enhance decision making in nine Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) GEO today: 89 Members 67 Participating Organizations

3 Improve and Coordinate Observation Systems Advance Broad Open Data Policies/Practices Foster Increased Use of EO Data and Information Build Capacity GEO Objectives

4 A Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained System of Observing Systems

5 Space-based Assets

6 In-situ Systems

7 In-Situ Observations 1870-1990 (International Surface Pressure Databank) ( Courtesy of P. Brohan, UK Met Office Hadley Centre)

8 1.Uncertainty over continuity of observations 2.Large spatial and temporal gaps in specific data sets 3.Limited access to data and associated benefits in developing world 4.Inadequate data integration and interoperability 5.Lack of relevant processing systems to transform data into useful information 6.Inadequate user involvement 7.Eroding or little technical infrastructure in many parts of the world GEOSS Targeted Gaps

9 Climate Change Detection & Adaptation (EC, Japan, USA, ECMWF, GCOS, IGBP, WCRP, WMO) * Major reanalysis projects covering 50 yrs or more * 2000-yr regional climate reconstruction * New data portal for seasonal prediction research (YOTC) * CEOS Essential Climate Variable (ECV) inventory Satellite Analysis & Dissemination Portal to ECMWF Analysis/Forecasts

10 © GEO Secretariat More Water Information (Austria, EC, Germany, Japan, USA, CEOS, ESA, WCRP, WMO) * Global high-res precipitation datasets 1979-2010 * New SMOS products & soil moisture datasets 1978-2010 * Satellite data validation * Global Drought Information System underway * Asian/African Water Cycle Initiative Soil Moisture (SMOS, ESA) Precip

11 Rapid and Open Access to Disasters Information (Japan, Italy, Germany, Turkey, USA, ESA) * Supersites websites created on 11 March (Japan) & 23 October (Turkey) * Data released in 24hrs * 4,500 visitors/day * ESA SAR archive open * 3 main laboratories: South East Asia, Central America, Caribbean

12 © GEO Secretariat Cold Regions Monitoring (Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Norway, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, USA, ICIMOD, IEEE, WCRP, WMO) * CryoClim climate monitoring service * Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System * Sea-ice ECV for Arctic/ Antarctic snow-cover * Focus on Tibetan Plateau * Glacier dynamics mapping

13 Crop Information for Decision-Making (Canada, China, EC, France, Japan, Kazakhstan, India, Mexico, Russia, USA, CEOS, FAO) * GEOGLAM part of G20 Action Plan on Food Price Volatility * New crop outlook * Rice crop monitoring * Draft space strategy

14 Aggregation of Wheat Production Forecasts from Main Wheat Export Countries vs. International Market Price 2010-2012 Production Forecasts (1,000 MT) Price ($/Ton) 2010 2011 2012 Making the case for improved crop forecasts

15 Advances in Global and Regional Weather Forecasts

16 Interoperability Brokers

17 Resource Growth Introduction of the Brokering approach


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