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Advantages and Disadvantages Of the North (USA) And Of the South (CSA)

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Presentation on theme: "Advantages and Disadvantages Of the North (USA) And Of the South (CSA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advantages and Disadvantages Of the North (USA) And Of the South (CSA)
The Civil War Advantages and Disadvantages Of the North (USA) And Of the South (CSA) Exit By: MDPR –5/02

2 Menu Exit Northern Southern Advantages Advantages Northern Southern
Disadvantages Southern Disadvantages Exit In Conclusion…

3 Southern Advantages: Fighting a defensive war
Fighting for independence Defending homeland and way of life What is defensive? Why is fighting for independence an advantage?

4 Southern Advantages:continued
Good soldier skills Hunters Equestrians Riflemen and/or sharpshooters Wealthy so attended military school (West Point)

5 Southern Advantages:continued
Better generals Experienced – Mexican War Name some famous Southern generals. Menu Exit

6 Northern Advantages: Large population Greatest resources Volunteers
Workers Greatest resources Industries Before war made 90% of goods Now making supplies for the army Why would a large population be an advantage? Why would having resources be beneficial to the North?

7 Northern Advantages:continued
More than 70% of railroad lines Used to transport troops and supplies Strong navy and large fleet of trading ships

8 Northern Advantages:continued
Most mineral deposits Why are mineral deposits an advantage? Why was Abe a Northern advantage? Greatest asset Abraham Lincoln Menu Exit

9 Southern Disadvantages:
Few factories To produce weapons and supplies Few railroads To move troops and supplies The few they did have – did not connect

10 Southern Disadvantages:continued
Political problems Favored states’ rights – so central government had limited authority Small population Why was states’ rights a problem? Few warships and merchant ships Short on food and clothing Menu Exit

11 Northern Disadvantages
Fighting an offensive war Had to conquer a huge area Invading unfamiliar territory Supply lines stretched from the Northern cities What is an offensive war? Why is that a disadvantage? Menu Exit

12 In Conclusion: The South with her disadvantages far outnumbering her advantages managed to defeat the Union in many battles. However, in the end, these disadvantages did cause her defeat. Civil War – 1861 to 1865 – 4 long years. Your opinion on this. Explain. Exit

13 For more information: Go to: The End
The End

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