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Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Treaty Points and Costing Guidance Nick Walker 1 st System Area Managers Meeting KEK – 19.01.2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Treaty Points and Costing Guidance Nick Walker 1 st System Area Managers Meeting KEK – 19.01.2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Treaty Points and Costing Guidance Nick Walker 1 st System Area Managers Meeting KEK – 19.01.2006

2 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Introduction Review the system boundaries outlined in this document Iterate and discuss agree on boundaries Discuss costing guidelines

3 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 The Baseline Machine (500GeV) not to scale ~30 km e+ undulator @ 150 GeV (~1.2km) x2 R = 955m E = 5 GeV RTML ~1.6km ML ~10km (G = 31.5MV/m) 20mr 2mr BDS 5km

4 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 RDR Matrix

5 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 RDR Matrix System Areas Geographical breakdown of machine Primary responsibility for design and ‘ownership of costs’

6 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 RDR Matrix Technical Systems Your ‘Engineering & Cost’ resources Responsible for engineering designing and costing of components in area systems A point of contact will be identified for each tech. area to each system area

7 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 RDR Matrix Global Systems Responsible for the more global aspects of the machine which do not specifically relate to a single system area or technical group

8 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 RDR Matrix Reloaded System Areas Tech. GroupsGlobal Groups design iteration cost push-back optimisation ‘overhead, contingency & redundancy’ checks costs

9 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Boundaries (Treaty Points)  e- source  e+ source  DR  RTML  Main Linac  BDS

10 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Boundaries (Treaty Points)  e- source  e+ source  DR  RTML  Main Linac  BDS Polarised electron gun (including laser system) capture/bunching system/pre- acceleration acceleration to 5 GeV spin rotation collimation up to (but not including) DR injection e- gun on positron system also included (up to dipole before 5 GeV linac)

11 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Boundaries (Treaty Points)  e- source  e+ source  DR  RTML  Main Linac  BDS All beamline components integrated with main ring vacuum system Associated ancillary systems (power supplies, RF, etc.) For stacked e+ ring, includes bunch combining/separation systems

12 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Boundaries (Treaty Points)  e- source  e+ source  DR  RTML  Main Linac  BDS Begins after DR extraction system and compensating bends Ends at entrance to first Main Linac cryomodule

13 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Boundaries (Treaty Points)  e- source  e+ source  DR  RTML  Main Linac  BDS Begins with first cryomodule after RTML Ends with last cryomodule before BDS In addition to basic RF units, includes any warm insertions (diagnostics stations, MPS systems etc.) problem area: e+ source in e- linac

14 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Boundaries (Treaty Points)  e- source  e+ source  DR  RTML  Main Linac  BDS Begins at exit of last cryomodule in Main Linac Ends at (and includes) main beam dumps

15 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Boundaries (Treaty Points)  e- source  e+ source  DR  RTML  Main Linac  BDS  Target system  dump Capture system pre-acceleration (long) transfer line 5 GeV injection linac up to DR injection undulator system e- bypass system pre-undulator collimation (MPS) pre-undulator FEX (MPS) clear responsibility of e+ source group could be considered part of ML

16 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Costing Guidelines  The RDR is  not a complete Technical/Engineering Design  a design made to the level required to support a reliable cost estimate  Good common sense has to be applied to level of engineering/costing  Main Linac, CF&S  cost drivers: pay attention to details  Injectors, DRs, BDS  not cost drivers: can make looser cost estimates

17 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Example: US study note: US accounting full-cost model CF&S included for each system

18 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Example: US study note: US accounting full-cost model CF&S included for each system Orthogonal view (technical groups)

19 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Cost Drivers: SCRF tech.  bottom-up cost detailed cost estimate based on  existing information (TDR, USLCOS)  new input from industrial studies (US?)  (XFEL TDR cost update)  May have largest uncertainty  International agreed upon model for costing SCRF tech. needed

20 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Cost Drivers: CF&S  Civil engineering requirements must be well specified  tunnel diameters, lengths  # of shafts, access etc  PPS zones  shielding requirements for hi rad areas etc.  surface building requirements (space!)  scaling from existing machines or similar engineering projects useful  site dependencies may exist  Must have a clear picture of what you want to go into a tunnel, shaft, hall or building

21 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Cost Drivers: CF&S  Cooling & AC power requirements  input needed from AS on  magnets, power supplies, electronic racks, klystrons/modulators etc.  some can be scaled from existing infrastructures  Special case: cryogenics  look to LHC…

22 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 Non Cost Drivers  Careful: taken together still ¼-1/3 of total cost  magnets: rough estimates of IV parameters, cooling requirements needed based on field specs from AS  No need to perform detailed magnet design  ~30% best guess  ~2% TPC  (warm) vacuum systems:  rough design; scale from existing machines  controls (inc. software), instrumentation…  rough counts, scale from existing experience

23 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 An Example: example taken from USLCOS

24 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 WBS [PBS?]  WBS is needed to define the level of cost detail required  First-pass at WBS (level of detail) can be made from experience  Will need to iterate as costs begin to arrive  Our first job! Define the WBS

25 Nick Walker – SA meeting KEK 19.01.06 WBS using SLAC tool

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