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Drug Information Sheets Chemical Name Chemical Name Chemical Formula Chemical Formula Street Name(s) Street Name(s) Brand Name(s) Brand Name(s)

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Presentation on theme: "Drug Information Sheets Chemical Name Chemical Name Chemical Formula Chemical Formula Street Name(s) Street Name(s) Brand Name(s) Brand Name(s)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Drug Information Sheets

2 Chemical Name Chemical Name Chemical Formula Chemical Formula Street Name(s) Street Name(s) Brand Name(s) Brand Name(s)

3 Chemical Derivatives Drugs produced from another drug Drugs produced from another drug Drugs used to produce another drug Drugs used to produce another drug Cocaine is used to produce crack-crack is a derivative of cocaine Cocaine is used to produce crack-crack is a derivative of cocaine

4 Street Value How much does it cost to buy this drug illegally? How much does it cost to buy this drug illegally?

5 Schedule (Class) IIIIIIIVV

6 Classification (Type) NarcoticHallucinogenStimulantDepressant

7 Effects Upon Use Physical effects? Physical effects? Psychological effects? Psychological effects? How does it feel? How does it feel? What does it look like? What does it look like?

8 Adverse Effects Unwanted or undesirable effects Unwanted or undesirable effects Immediate Immediate Long term Long term Cumulative Cumulative

9 Toxicology Symptoms of OD (overdose)-what happens when a person takes too much of the drug Symptoms of OD (overdose)-what happens when a person takes too much of the drug Treatments of OD (overdose)-what can be done for an overdose victim Treatments of OD (overdose)-what can be done for an overdose victim

10 Abuse Potential Psychological addition: Psychological addition: None Low Moderate High Physical addiction: Physical addiction: None Low Moderate High None Low Moderate High

11 Withdrawal Sx Withdrawal Sx (symptoms) are unwanted effects which occur upon the termination of taking a drug.

12 Criminal Penalties Possession Possession Use Use Trafficking Trafficking Amounts Amounts Number of violations Number of violations

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