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FM Logistic Food Business Russia 2011 4 th February 2011 Hugues Laurent.

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Presentation on theme: "FM Logistic Food Business Russia 2011 4 th February 2011 Hugues Laurent."— Presentation transcript:

1 FM Logistic Food Business Russia 2011 4 th February 2011 Hugues Laurent

2 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic The Group in figures 639 Millions € turnover 12 000 collaborators 67 Warehouses over 12 countries 2 000 000 sqm Class A warehouse More than 200 Co-Packing lines 400 dedicated trucks Warehousing Transport Co-Packing Customs / SCM 58.7% 24.9% 14.2% 2.2% Our international presence

3 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic FM Logistic in Russia Over 100 Million € turnover in 2009/10 3000 collaborators 330 000 sqm of warehouse premises from Saint Petersburg to Vladivostok Over 40 regional cities delivered regularly all over Russia Moscow Saint Petersburg Novosibirsk Ekaterinburg Vladivostok Khabarovsk

4 Externalisation of Co-packing & Co-manufacturing in food industry

5 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Packaging to packaging FM Logistic value-added services Unwrapped product, Bulk Primary Filling (Co-manufacturing) Base component Secondary Packing (Co-packing) Components assembly Packaging filling, counting, assoc. weighing Promotion, Over-wrapping Display filling Ingredient to Food Component to Bulk Bulk to packaging

6 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Co-manufacturing :  Primary packing (folded carton, jars, bags, blisters…)  Counting system / Associative weighing system  Engineering / feasibility management  Partnership with machine suppliers  Market test / mass production  Co-packing:  Preparation of promotional sets  Film wrapping : X-folding, flowpack, sleeving, tight packing, neutral or printed shrink wrapping  Blistering  Labeling, stickering  Filling of shelf-ready trays, displays FM Logistic value-added services

7 Co-packing activities Expertise overview

8 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Stickering / Labelling Mainly used in addition of a technical process Main parameters : Several type and size of label/sticker : GenCod ID case and ID Palette Peel Off Voucher Promo Label Manual process : average 3-4 sec / label Automatic process : average 2 sec / label Specificity : Process can be manual The sticker can integrate an “immediate reduction offer”

9 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Shrink-wrapping & Over-wrapping Grouping standard CU with a shrinked film Main parameters : Type of machine : Manual or Semi-Manual machine (L-sealing) Automatic sealing machine (eg Hugo Beck) Film : PVC, PE, PP or PO (polyolephyne) Thickness : 15 – 19 µ Printed or neutral Overwrapping Mainly used to create “king size” promo sets or to close a case Main parameters : Type of machine : Rochman Film : PE Thickness : 30 to 60µ Mainly neutral Specificity : Standard pack configuration for METRO

10 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Grouping standard CU with a cellophane (non-shrinked film) closed through a folding and sealing process Main parameters : Type of machine : Sollas / Pester Film : OPP Thickness : mainly 20-40 µ Printed or Not Market sectors : Food / Personal Care (usually product of high quality) Specificity : Type of product : Product need to be rectangular or with sharp edges X-Folding

11 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Flow-packing Grouping standard CU into a pillow bag Parameter : Type of machine : Scorpion Film : OPP Thickness : mainly 20-40 µ Printed or neutral Market sectors : Food / general goods

12 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Display filling Main parameters : Several sizes of displays : Display Pa, ½ Pa, ¼ Pa, 1/6 Pa Several display assembly components : Base Tray Crowner Blocker / Filler Consumables used to close displays : Hood Straps / wires Corners Individual stretch film

13 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Manual operation Gift packs


15 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Co-manufacturing (primary packing)

16 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Our bulk mastery All types of candies… Chewing-gum… Chocolate & biscuits … Compressed candies & pills… Capsules… Sugars… Cream

17 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic  Fliptop boxes:  Metal tins:  Flowpacks and bags:  Jars (bottles & Tubes): 700 000 per day 2 Mios per day 1 Mios per day 60 000 per day Our running processes More than 800 Mios units produced every year

18 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic Our machines:  Counting system  Associative weighing system  Vertical & horizontal bag filling (Bags)  Flowpack  Fliptop lines  Blister  Labelling  Sleeving  X-Folding  Shrink wrap  Weighing sort & metal detector on 100% of our lines of production Our human resources:  Manual filling  Assembly of boxes, trays, displays... Our equipments

19 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic (LU) (Frisk - Mentos) (Juanola) (Ricola) (Kinder) (Haribo) (Freedent, Airwaves, Orbit, Hubba Bubba) (Hollywood) (Orafti, Saint-Louis) (Nestlé) (M&M’s) Our Clients and Brands in food industry (La Pastille du Mineur, Verquin) (Ricqles) (Ascom)

20 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic From the idea to the production

21 Key advantages of externalisation

22 Confidential : this document can’t be used, reproduced nor communicated without authorization of FM Logistic EXTERNALISATION OF CO-PACKING & CO- MANUFACTURING ALLOWS : Standardisation of packaging Flexibility of production Optimization of delivered volumes Cash Commercial reactivity CO² consumption To get industrial tool as possible to final customer Time of Delivery Decrease of stocks Cash Better availability on shelves Turnover Pool ressources on equipment and staff Reduce fixed assets

23 Thank you for your attention! Everyday innovative customised solutions for your customers’ satisfaction

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