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Design Section AQA GCSE. Designing Design Develop Model Annotate Evaluate.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Section AQA GCSE. Designing Design Develop Model Annotate Evaluate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Section AQA GCSE

2 Designing Design Develop Model Annotate Evaluate

3 What to design, develop & model Board Counters Cards Box & tray (including nets) Box Graphics

4 Mark Scheme Imaginative and innovative ideas have been developed, demonstrating creativity, flair and originality. Further developments made to take account of ongoing research The implications of a wide range of issues including social, moral, environmental and sustainability, are taken into consideration and inform the development of the design proposals Excellent development work through experimentation with a wide variety of techniques and modelling (including CAD where appropriate) in order to produce a final design solution Appropriate materials selected with full regard to their working properties

5 Mark Scheme From the making section: – The outcome has the potential to be commercially viable and is suitable for the target market – Final outcome(s) shows a high level of making/modelling/finishing skills and accuracy YOU MUST DESIGN TO ACHIEVE THIS

6 Board 3 Different Designs Develop off each one Model – showing construction Annotate Evaluate – strengths and weaknesses Evaluate – specification check table Social, moral, environmental (in a box) Specification Point User opinion Comments / Justification 1.1 Appearance Quotes etc In here explain how well it did / did not perform in this area and WHY. Comment on as many counters as possible. 1.2 etc 1.3 etc etc Sketch developments around the ideas Photos of models – comment on them Social, Moral, Environmental & Sustainability Issues Write issues here Sketch developments around the ideas

7 Counters Design – isometric & 2D Develop Material research? Model (& comment on them) Annotate Evaluate Social, moral, environmental Ergonomics (& comment) More research? Specification Point User opinion Comments / Justification 1.1 Appearance Quotes etc In here explain how well it did / did not perform in this area and WHY. Comment on as many counters as possible. 1.2 etc 1.3 etc etc Change from the weaknesses or merge 2 initial ideas together After the modelling, change or modify the shape. You may need 2 or more models. Final improvements – this is the counter you will be making. Are all your counters the same, or are the all different – draw or specify. Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Average Finger width Finger height Two photo of models 1. 3D view 2. With fingers Social, Moral, Environmental & Sustainability Issues Write issues here

8 Cards 4 different designs Develop (sketch and annotate around each) Further research? Materials? Model (at least 3) – in hand Annotate Evaluate Social, moral, environmental Front Back Front Back Front Specification Point User opinion Comments / Justification 1.1 Appearance Quotes etc In here explain how well it did / did not perform in this area and WHY. Comment on as many counters as possible. 1.2 etc 1.3 etc etc Put sample fonts in – print from word. This is further research Social, Moral, Environmental & Sustainability Issues Write issues here

9 Instructions 2 different designs Further research Materials? What goes on it? Font? Model for size – take photo for ergonomics Annotate Evaluate Social, moral, environmental Back 1 Front 1 Front 2 Back 2 Specificati on Point User opinio n Comments / Justification 1.1 Appearanc e Quote s etc In here explain how well it did / did not perform in this area and WHY. Comment on as many counters as possible. 1.2 etc 1.3 etc etc Thought shower of what to include Research Social, Moral, Environmental & Sustainability Issues Write issues here

10 Box and Tray Design – Isometric, nets and insert (2 of them – ½ page each) Develop Further research? Stick on existing product? Materials? Annotate Evaluate Social, moral, environmental

11 Box and Tray 2 Model (both – ½ page each) Develop Annotate Evaluate – what have you learnt? Social, moral, environmental Overall box (no graphics)Other views Inside of box Box layout Specification Point User opinion Comments / Justification 1.1 Appearance Quotes etc In here explain how well it did / did not perform in this area and WHY. Comment on as many counters as possible. 1.2 etc Social, Moral, Environmental & Sustainability Issues Write issues here

12 Box Graphics 2 Designs Develop (sketch and annotate around the designs) Annotate Evaluate Social, moral, environmental Specification Point User opinion Comments / Justification 1.1 Appearance Quotes etc In here explain how well it did / did not perform in this area and WHY. Comment on as many counters as possible. 1.2 etc Add a photo of a board game cover (research) Annotate the features. Add it to your ideas You should have: a placement for a barcode A placement for a company logo Age range Brief description of your game Social, Moral, Environmental & Sustainability Issues Write issues here

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