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Okanagan Masters Swim Club 2015 AGM October 04, 2015 10:30am Kinsmen Fieldhouse Hall (Mission Recreation Park)

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Presentation on theme: "Okanagan Masters Swim Club 2015 AGM October 04, 2015 10:30am Kinsmen Fieldhouse Hall (Mission Recreation Park)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Okanagan Masters Swim Club 2015 AGM October 04, 2015 10:30am Kinsmen Fieldhouse Hall (Mission Recreation Park)

2 Agenda 1. Adoption of Agenda / Approval of Minutes 2. Welcome and Introductions 3. Reports 4. Announcements 5. Election of Directors 6. Short Break 7. Awards

3 Welcome and Introductions President: Neil Wyper Vice President: Kelly Imada Secretary: Desiree Henke Treasurer: Brenda Balderson Registrar: Sharon Spring Meet Manager: Steve Gubeli Communications Director: Aaryn Wyper At Large: Jennifer Leach- Trask At Large: Carol Taylor 2014-2015 Directors

4 Welcome and Introductions Head Coach: Sue Morrison Christina Russo Jon Smirl Pascal Sutherland Rohan Jacobs Sally Wallick Thomas Robinson Flo Masson (sub) Desiree Henke (sub) 2015-2016 Coaches

5 Agenda 1. Adoption of Agenda / Approval of Minutes 2. Welcome and Introductions 3. Reports 4. Announcements 5. Election of Directors 6. Short Break 7. Awards

6 Reports 1. President 2. Treasurer 3. Meet Manager 4. Communications Director 5. Registrar 6. Head Coach

7 President’s Report

8 2014-2015 Program Highlights New partnership with YMCA of Okanagan Three-stream program (Recreational; Triathlon / Open Water; Competitive) New coaching team structure Increased membership, peaked at nearly 130 Reduced operating revenues were a challenge Introduced Weekly Friday-night technique sessions Held five clinics (four strokes plus one open-water)

9 Club Highlights Social Committee hosted several events, including Christmas and Summer parties, as well as monthly breakfasts New member liaison role added to the board OMSC volunteered at the Kelowna Marathon last fall, and YMCA Healthy Kids Day in the spring

10 2015-2016 Plans Simplified one-stream program Improved collaboration between OMSC board and coaches More social activities Focus on 3 swim meets and 3 open water events

11 Treasurer’s Report

12 Income Statement highlights 2015 actual 2014 actual 2016 budget Revenue net of coaching fees & lane rental14415,266(2,222) Net profit from swim meets1,74910,5091,208 Misc Income1,4481,599860 Program development(6,165)00 Swimwear0(3,483)(500) Other operating costs(2,685)(2,912)(1,896) Equipment purchases(1,275)(6,207)(500) Net profit (loss)(6,784)14,772(3,050)

13 Budget and Actual Net Loss Reconciliation 2014/2015 Net loss - Budget(5,930) Higher program development costs(1,165) Unbudgeted digital clock purchase (approved at the 2014 AGM) (1,275) Unbudgeted profits from swim meets1,749 Other(163) 2014/2015 Net loss - Actual(6,784)

14 Meet Manager’s Report

15 Communication Director’s Report

16 Interactions with Members Newsletters New program: MailChimp Sent over 60 email messages last season Can track open rate (av. 65.5%) and click rate (av. 8.9%) Highest number of clicks on the link for the lake temperature Members have access to past newsletters Thank you to Sharon for taking on September’s newsletters Facebook Thank you to Jeanette for posting fabulous links and articles on the club page for us! Occasionally get inquiries about joining the club through Facebook messages Went from 151 to 195 page likes over last season Good place to find out about volunteer opportunities, fun events, and to see photos

17 Websites Source for more detailed club information Workout Calendar Special Events Calendar Registration information Contact information Sister website for OMSC-hosted swim meet information, registration links, and results FrightFest Provincials Kelowna Apple Open Water Swim

18 2015-2016 Plans Continue to use MailChimp for weekly club communications and announcements Don’t unsubscribe unless you really mean to - email is our mail form of communication with members (i.e. pool closures, coaching messages, special events) Website re-design to be more user friendly. If you’re interested in giving input for features you’d like to see, please email Coach Sue has offered to contribute to Twitter

19 Registrar’s Report

20 2015-2016 OMSC Membership Currently at 88 members Some members still to come back 17 new members this year Attracting wide range of swimmers 69% women and 31% men *including 1 Affiliate and 2 LC members

21 2015-2016 OMSC Membership

22 2015-2016 OMSC Registration More ebb and flow of members with Y membership. Room to grow if we get tight for lane space – add workouts esp in off hours Working on linking Member databases – Attendance Coach Questionnaires Opportunity -> OMSC members make more use of the Y facilities

23 Head Coach’s Report

24 Agenda 1. Adoption of Agenda / Approval of Minutes 2. Welcome and Introductions 3. Reports 4. Announcements 5. Election of Directors 6. Short Break 7. Awards

25 Announcements 1. 2015-2016 Season Plan (3 swim meets, 3 open water events) 2. Proposal for Fruit Swim 2016

26 Agenda 1. Adoption of Agenda / Approval of Minutes 2. Welcome and Introductions 3. Reports 4. Announcements 5. Election of Directors 6. Short Break 7. Awards

27 Election of Directors 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Registrar 4. Secretary 5. Meet Manager 6. Communications Director

28 Break

29 Agenda 1. Adoption of Agenda / Approval of Minutes 2. Welcome and Introductions 3. Reports 4. Announcements 5. Election of Directors 6. Short Break 7. Awards

30 Awards 1. Most Improved Female 2. Most Improved Male 3. Volunteer of the Year 4. Community Volunteer of the Year 5. Most Inspirational Swimmer 6. Swimmer of the Year 7. Elena Dimitrov Award for Courage and Determination 8. Novelty Awards

31 Most Improved Female & Male Female Nominees Cherienne Graham Whitson Debbie MacMillan Crystal Miller Male Nominees Greg Harris Gord Sparrey Brett Stewart

32 OMSC Volunteer of the Year Nominees Leora Dahl Steve Gubeli Carmelle Guidi-Swan Elisa Hoover Aaryn Wyper Neil Wyper

33 Community Volunteer of the Year

34 Most Inspirational Swimmer Nominees Fruit Loops (Jennifer Leach- Trask, Neil Wyper, Phred Martin) Crystal Miller Ann Stanley Phred Martin Irene Pett Mark MacDougall Carmelle Guidi-Swan Jeanette Hoft Gary Mellor

35 Swimmer of the Year

36 Elena Dimitrov Award for Courage and Determination Nominees Ashley Russo Conny Stamhuis Ross Carviel

37 Novelty Awards

38 Thank You

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