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Coherent Support for Models at Run-Time through Orthogonal Classification 2007, October 2, 2007, Nashville Matthias Gutheil

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1 Coherent Support for Models at Run-Time through Orthogonal Classification Models@runtime 2007, October 2, 2007, Nashville Matthias Gutheil Colin Atkinson Chair of Software Technology University of Mannheim, Germany

2 2 Overview 1.Motivation 2.Current OMG Modeling Infrastructure 3.The Orthogonal Classification Architecture 4.Pan Level Model Metamodel 5.Example 6.Conclusion

3 3 Motivation ■ In mainstream software development the word “model” traditionally refers to a description of classes of objects and their properties ■ the main motivation for deploying such models at run-time is to be able to check whether objects confirm to the constraints on their classes ■ This means that instances, which have traditionally had only half- hearted support in mainstream modelling environments, need to be fully and cleanly supported ■ instances no longer treated as second class citizens ■ extend the general usage of the term model to include objects as well as classes ■ full notational support for objects ■ databases should be populatable through “models” of objects ■ full run-time support for constraint checking ■ …

4 4 Current OMG Modeling Infrastructure UML2.x, MOF 2.x

5 5 Orthogonal Classification Architecture (OCA) Model Core language Pan Level Model System state or “real world” instanceOf ProfessionProfessor Instance Classifer Class instanceOf L0L0 L1L1 L2L2 O2O2 O1O1 O0O0 Einstein Modeling language

6 6 Characteristics of the OCA ■ Unification of Class and Object Concepts ■ Clabjects – unfied class/object ■ Strict Metamodeling ■ Every Clabject is an instance of a Clabject from the level above ■ Exception: ■ Top ontological level ■ Level agnostic notation ■ Unifrom represenation of associations/links and attributes/slots ■ Dual facet of relationships ■ Exploded and imploded forms ■ Deep Instantiation ■ All elements with potency

7 7 Pan Level Model Metamodel (partial)

8 8 Example PLMPLM level 0 level 1 level 2 potency = 0 Class potency = 2 Profession potency = 1 Professor potency = 0 Einstein potency = 2 JobRelation potency = 1 Course potency = 0 Physics potency = 1 teaches potency = 0 teaches potency = 2 type : double value = undefined Salary potency = 1 type : double value = undefined Salary potency = 0 type : double value = 4567 Salary

9 9 Imploded rendering of Connectors PLMPLM level 0 level 1 level 2 potency = 0 Class potency = 2 Profession potency = 1 Professor potency = 0 Einstein potency = 2 JobRelation potency = 0 Physics potency = 2 type : double value = undefined Salary potency = 1 type : double value = undefined Salary potency = 0 type : double value = 4567 Salary potency = 1 Course

10 10 Conclusion ■ The OCA framework ■ supports multi-level modeling ■ strict metamodeling ■ deep instantiation ■ can be used as a platform for a model-based runtime system ■ is the basis for the integration of ontology and modelling technologies ■ Next challenges are ■ design the Metamodel of the TAQL (Transformation, Action and Query Language) ■ implementation ■ different concrete syntax for different model elements

11 11 Finally ■ Thank you for your attention! ■ Time for your questions... (in 5 minutes)

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