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Dinosaur Fossils Word Knowledge Open Court Anthology Grade 2

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1 Dinosaur Fossils Word Knowledge Open Court Anthology Grade 2

2 Word Knowledge 1. leaves teeth eggs museums (plurals)
2. animal fossil several puzzle 3. chisels hammers picks shovels 4. easier easiest harder hardest (comparative endings) 5. arm part are harden

3 1. The story I am writing will be longer and funnier than my last one.
2. My brother and I went to town to see a movie. 3. The cast on my arm took a short time to harden.

4 Word Knowledge 1. leaves teeth eggs museum
2. animal fossil several puzzle 3. chisels hammers picks shovels 4. easier easiest harder hardest 5. arm part are harden

5 Build Background Genre: Expository Text
How do we know what plants and animals were like many, many years ago?

6 Genre: Expository Text
Build Background Genre: Expository Text In “Dinosaur Fossils,” Dr. Alvin Granowsky explains that the plants and animals of long ago left records themselves – in the form of fossils.

7 Genre: Expository Text
Build Background Genre: Expository Text Dr. Alvin Granowsky explains that digging up fossils might be hard. But because most fossils are found in pieces, that hardest work is putting them together.

8 Expository Text Expository text gives information. It tells people something. It uses facts about real events or people. It presents information in a clear way. It gives events in the order in which they happen. It may be organized by topics.

9 Open Court Vocabulary for
“Dinosaur Fossils” Genre: Expository Text

10 ( hardened remains of an animal or plant that lived long ago )
fossils ( hardened remains of an animal or plant that lived long ago ) Fossils are what are left of a plant or animal that lived a long time ago.

11 hardened ( became solid ) Some fossils are hardened footprints and some are hardened plant imprints.

12 extinct ( no longer living ) Scientists must learn about dinosaurs from fossils because dinosaurs are extinct.

13 ( people who study things in nature )
scientists ( people who study things in nature ) Some scientists, people who study things in a careful way, dig for fossils. They are called paleontologists.

14 difficult ( not easy ) Putting a dinosaur skeleton together is difficult when some of the bones are missing.

15 Comprehension Strategies Good Readers…
Summarize Keep track of what you have read and focus on important details “At the beginning of the story…” “Then…” Make Connections Use their own experiences to better understand the characters’ feelings and actions “This reminds me of…” “That part made me think of…” Asking Questions Good readers ask questions that may prepare them for what they will learn “I wonder why that happened…” “Why did…” Monitor and Clarify STOP and reread to determine the meaning of words and more difficult ideas or passages. “Wait a minute! I didn’t understand that. Let me stop and reread for clarity.” “I am confused by that. I need to clarify.

16 Dinosaur Fossils Clues Problems Wonderings Page ___- Page ___-

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