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Ms. Sanchez’s English 4 Class Please follow page 1…  Classroom Expectations  Plagiarism- NOT TOLERATED.

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2 Ms. Sanchez’s English 4 Class

3 Please follow page 1…  Classroom Expectations  Plagiarism- NOT TOLERATED

4 Grading  Homework  Class work/participation  Essays/ Exams/ Projects  Class work/ Participation 15% 45% 30% 10%

5 Assignment Policy LLate work No higher than 70 No essays or projects Absences not included RRetest within the week PParental contact for grades, behavior or attendance

6 Supplies Your Text book: Prentice Hall Literature: The British Tradition Available online

7 Supplies Spiral notebook 3 Subject COLLEGE RULE AP: Composition notebook 5x7 Notecards

8 Supplies Pens: any color but neon Pencils Replenish throughout school year

9 Supplies Craft supplies of your own

10 Extended time USB Flash drive At least 128 MB Any size, color, style, etc… $5 and up at any office supply store and Wal-mart/ Target/ Walgreens

11 After school tutoring  Tuesday  3:50- 4:30  Be here by 4:05  By appointment

12 Please follow on page 2

13 The Rule of 3  On time with materials  Respect all people and property  No food or drink in class

14 That’s not all….

15 Passing Period and Bell  Once you’re in you’re in  Never nothing to do  Personal belongings under desk No texting or grooming

16 Class time is Your time…  Listen, work and learn  Raise your hand  Be actively engaged  Do not speak without permission

17 Privileges  Restroom passes  Once per week  Must be signed by teacher  Use hall pass/ sign out  One student at a time  Emergencies decided by teacher

18 Class work/ Homework  Assignments turned into baskets  Homework due as you walk into class  Missing work = Tutoring  All assignments in Spiral

19 Absences & Tardies  Rule of numbers  Missing Assignments folder  Absentee slip or no admit!  Tardies NOT TOLERATED

20 Last but not least

21 THE BELL  The bell does not dismiss you  Seated & silent  Do not get ready before  Work until the bell  I will keep you after  Clean up as you leave

22 Have a great year

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