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Charter SchoolsPublic Schools. February 27, 2014 Mr. Houghteling “It’s a Thoughts into Action Thursday!”

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Presentation on theme: "Charter SchoolsPublic Schools. February 27, 2014 Mr. Houghteling “It’s a Thoughts into Action Thursday!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charter SchoolsPublic Schools

2 February 27, 2014 Mr. Houghteling “It’s a Thoughts into Action Thursday!”

3 Charter SchoolsPublic Schools

4 Charter SchoolsPublic Schools  Publicly funded, privately managed  Students attend charter schools by choice.  Educational philosophy set by founding charter.  Publicly funded, publicly managed  Many students attend by default by way of a pre- determined school boundary.  Educational philosophy set by district.

5 Charter SchoolsPublic Schools  Teachers are non- unionized.  Set own guidelines and regulations, little district bureaucracy.  Must re-apply for their charters—have to show growth (accountability to the charter).  Average age? 3-5 years  Teachers are unionized.  Guidelines and regulations set by district.  Average age? Unable to be determined, but much longer than charter schools.

6  Charter vs. Public Schools  Subject-Verb Agreement

7 1. First try to define the word from the context given in the article. 2. Then, if you can’t figure it out, look the word up. Word Bank: vastly (1) / buttress (4) / supposition (6) touted (9) backlash (9) / disparity (13) vague (21) / restorative (21)

8  Complete Subject-Verb agreement handout.

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