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Subject Verb Agreement Quiz By: KS50. This game is about Subject Verb Agreement. To play you start the game and read the question and answer the question,

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Presentation on theme: "Subject Verb Agreement Quiz By: KS50. This game is about Subject Verb Agreement. To play you start the game and read the question and answer the question,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Subject Verb Agreement Quiz By: KS50

2 This game is about Subject Verb Agreement. To play you start the game and read the question and answer the question, then you will click the next button. Then you will go to the next question.

3 Click the correct sentence 1. A. Anne Bradstreet’s poems appears first in this book. B. Anne Bradstreet’s poems appear first in this book. C. Anne Bradstreet’s poems appearest first in this book.

4 correct

5 Wrong

6 Click the correct sentence 2. A. She was America’s first poet. B. She was America’s firsted poet. C. She was America’s first poets.

7 correct

8 Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 Click the correct sentence A.Her poetry have charms and wit.Her poetry have charms and wit. B.Her poetry have charm and wits.Her poetry have charm and wits. C.Her poetry have charm and wit.Her poetry have charm and wit.

10 correct

11 wrong

12 Click the correct sentence A. She was a teenager in 1630. B. She was a teenageres in 1630B. She was a teenageres in 1630. C. She was a teenagers in 1630.

13 correct

14 wrong

15 Click the correct sentence A.Directness mark hers style.Directness mark hers style. B.Directness mark her styles.Directness mark her styles. C.Directnes mark hers style.Directnes mark hers style.

16 correct

17 wrong wrongwrong


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