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T HE S PANISH A MERICAN W AR 18.2. O BJECTIVES Explain the causes of the Spanish-American War Identify the major battles of the war. Describe the consequences.

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2 O BJECTIVES Explain the causes of the Spanish-American War Identify the major battles of the war. Describe the consequences of the war, including the debate over imperialism.

3 K EY P ARTS Causes of the War American Troops Battle the Spanish Effects of the War

4 I NTRODUCTION Read section 18.2 Answer critical thinking questions 5&6.

5 C AUSES OF THE W AR In the late nineteenth century Spain was an imperial nation in decline. Spain only controlled a few colonies during its decline; the Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico and Cuba. By 1897 American entrepreneurs had invested $50million in sugar cane plantations and other ventures in Cuba.

6 C ONT. Cuba was a growing market for Americans however, it was very unstable. In 1895 a Cuban Patriot Jose Marti launched a war for independence from Spain. The rebel fighters used guerrilla tactics of hit-and-run techniques against Spanish forces. During every encounter the rebels would yell “Cuba Libre!” which means Free Cuba.

7 C ONT.. The Spanish used concentration camps to deprive the rebels of food and recruits. Tens of thousands died from disease and starvation. Spain sent 150,000 troops and its best General Valeriano Weyler to smash the uprising. The Cuban’s wanted independence, and the American public began to side with the Cuban rebels because of the resemblance of their situation to the early United States situation.

8 C ONT … A huge advocate for the propaganda for the Cubans was Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst; the newspaper publishers of the New York World, and New York Journal. They would put pictures and write articles about the mistreatment of the Cubans by the Spanish. Promptly President William McKinley warned the Spanish to quickly establish peace or the United States would step in and ensure the peace.

9 C ONT …. Spain recalled General Weyler and tried a couple of reforms for the Cuban’s. The Cubans wanted independence so reform would not suffice. Then in February 1898 the Journal published a private letter that was leaked out. Enrique Dupuy de Lome Spain’s Ambassador wrote a letter saying that McKinley was a weak and stupid politician.

10 C ONT ….. The Cuban’s stole the letter and sent it to Hearst and he titled the headline “Worst Insult to the United States in Its History.” This fueled American jingoism or nationalism and inflamed relations with Spain. Then soon after the headline the USS Maine exploded in Havanna, harbor. McKinley had investigators inspect the ship and they deemed the explosion occurrence from a mine.

11 C ONT …… Of the 350 men on board the USS Maine 266 died. Once the decision was made that a mine destroyed the ship War fever gripped the nation. Once Spain saw the intensity of the American hatred they began to backtrack. However, it was too late.

12 A MERICAN T ROOPS B ATTLE THE S PANISH On April 19, 1898 America declared war with Spain. The Navy quickly blockaded the Cuban ports and McKinley called for more than 100,000 volunteers to join the Army. Americans rose to the occasion 200,000 men enlisted.

13 C ONT. On the opposite side of the United States Commodore George Dewey steamed his squadron of vessels into Manila Bay in the Spanish held Philippines and he attacked the Spanish fleet and quickly destroyed it killing over 400 Spanish sailors. (United States lost none) In August of 1898 the United States defeated the Spanish in the Philippines, forcing them to surrender.

14 C ONT.. Meanwhile American troops landed in Cuba in June of 1898. The U.S. Troops were poorly trained and poorly supplied because they amassed a 200,00 man army in less than two months. However the Troops fought very well in the battle. Theodore Roosevelt's Calvary Unit had a lot to do with the success of the war.

15 C ONT … His men were noted for their heroism in the Battle of San Juan hill and Kettle outside Santiago Cuba. The Riders stormed up the two hills straight into heavy cannon and Gatling gun fire. They were able to over run the hills and take control of the high ground. The Spanish navy then made a desperate attempt to escape from Santiago’s harbor.

16 C ONT …. The U.S. Naval blockade destroyed the Spanish fleet as it tried to break out. Surrounded, outnumbered and dispirited, Spanish forces surrendered. Only about 380 U.S. Troops died in the War from combat. Roughly 3,000 U.S. Troops died from disease.

17 E FFECTS OF THE W AR Signed by Spain and the United States in December 1898 the Treaty of Paris officially ended the war. Spain gave up control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Pacific island of Guam, and sold the Philippines to the United States for $20,000,000. Now that the United States owned the Philippines, the decision now was what to do with it.

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