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I love the traditions. I love the big city. I like speaking Japanese. My business would do great there. My products would sell high in japan.

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Presentation on theme: "I love the traditions. I love the big city. I like speaking Japanese. My business would do great there. My products would sell high in japan."— Presentation transcript:



3 I love the traditions. I love the big city. I like speaking Japanese. My business would do great there. My products would sell high in japan.

4 Wanted to do business around the world. Wanted to open my mind to how countries did there business. I can get plenty of jobs if my business fails. Business will always be alive no matter where I am.

5 To learn how to run a business inside your country. To learn how to run a business outside a country. Teaches you how to use costumer service in different countries and your own. Teaches you how to work in all countries.

6 The main products I will sell: ▫Anime dvd’s & comic books. ▫Rave accessories. ▫Clothing and apparel. ▫Music. ▫Games. ▫Etc…

7 You can travel around the world. You would know how to run your own business in a different country. You can learn about other countries. Schooling is not extremely long.

8 Going to school and studying. By finding the right school to go to.

9 With many other schools in every state and many schools in other countries

10 A sales jobInternational marketing An international trade administrationForeign service International baking officersCultural advisors This is just a taste of what you could do. There is much more than this.


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