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1 The contribution of VGTU to RESINT project Sigitas Jablonskis


3 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Vilnius Gediminas Technical university is state university founded in 1956 Located in the capital city – Vilnius 7 venues with the main campus in Sauletekio alley 10752 students (as of 2015 March ) Number of teaching staff - 940 (as of 2015 march) including 148 Professors, 420 Associate Professors, and 255 Lecturers and 117 Assistants (477 of them with PhD degree)

4 VGTU Faculties Architecture Business Management, Civil Engineering Creative Industries Electronics Environmental Engineering Fundamental Sciences Mechanics Transport Engineering Institute of Aviation

5 Studies at VGTU: general facts Two cycle (4+2) studies introduced in 1992 All study programs are accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania 49 programs for Bachelor’s degree with 8 744 students (4 years), 59 programs for Master’s degree with 1 675 students (up to 2 years) 10 programs for Doctor’s degree with 189 students (full time studies - 4 years, part-time studies – 6 years). Long standing tradition of teaching in English (since 1994): 30 Study programs in English (over 300 courses in total) Teaching staff-student ratio 1:11

6 Studies in English Bachelor degree programs, 240 ECTS (12): Architecture Computer Engineering Telecommunications Engineering Building Energetics Mechatronics and Robotics Information Systems Engineering Mechanics Engineering Civil Engineering Economics Engineering Finance Engineering Business Management Engineering Informatics Integrated Studies, 300 ECTS (2): Aircraft Piloting Air Traffic Control Master degree programs (16) Marketing International Business Corporate Financial Management Value Engineering Investment Management Global Economics Risk Engineering Architecture Environmental Management and Clean Production Electronics Engineering Electrical Energetics Systems Engineering Innovative Road and Bridge Engineering Mechatronics Mechatronics Systems Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management Structural Engineering

7 Sustainable Building Environmental & Energy Technologies Sustainable Transport Mechatronics Information and Communication Technologies Fundamental Research of Materials and Processes Technology Management and Economics Priority Areas of Research

8 Sustainable Building and Built Environment Faculties: Civil Engineering Architecture Environmental Engineering Research centers and institutes: Civil Engineering Research Center Thermal Insulation institute Architecture institute Territorial Planning institute Roads research Institute Topics: Innovative Building Materials, Structures and Techniques Energy Efficient Thermal Insulation Materials and Structures Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Sustainable Lifecycle of the Buildings External funding sources: National integrated program ”Development of Civil Engineering Sector and Transport” EUREKA, COST, Baltic Sea Region programs, EU Framework 7

9 Environmental & Energy Technologies Faculties: Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Research centers and institutes: Civil Engineering Research Center Environment Protection Institute Thermal Insulation Institute Geodesy Institute Territorial Planning Institute Roads research Institute Topics: Efficient Use of Resources, Energy Systems and Technologies Environmental Systems and Environment Protection Technologies Building of Energy Supply, it’s Application Methods, Systems and Processes Safe Anthropogenic Environment External funding sources: National integrated program ”Sustainable Use of Nature Environment” IEE, EUREKA, COST, Baltic Sea Region programs, EU Framework 7

10 Sustainable Transport Faculties: Transport, Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering. Research centers and institutes: Transport Institute Aviation Institute Roads Institute Territorial Planning institute Competence Centre of Intermodal Transport and Logistics Civil Engineering Research Center Topics: Energy Saving and Environment-friendly Transport Means Transport Systems and Traffic Modeling, Optimization, Safety and Management Transport and Logistics Technology, Interaction of Transport Modes The new Movement Technologies, Intelligent Transport Systems External funding sources: National integrated program ” Development of Civil Engineering Sector and Transport” Baltic Sea Region program, EU Framework 7

11 Mechatronics Faculties: Mechanics Electronics Transport Fundamental Sciences Research Centers and Institutes: Mechanics Institute Welding and Materials Science institute Topics: Smart Embedded Systems Mechanical and Mechatronic Devices and Processes Innovative Constructive and Multifunctional Materials, Nanostructures Biomechatronic Systems Electrical and Electronic Devices and Systems External funding sources: EU Framework 7, Baltic Sea Region programs National integrated program ” Mechatronics”

12 Information and Communication Technologies Faculties: Fundamental Sciences Electronics Mechanics Research Centers and Institutes: Telecommunications Research Center Internet and Intelligent Technologies Institute Open Source Institute Mechanics Institute Geodesy Institute Topics: Information Technologies, Ontological and Telematic Systems Smart Communication Technologies Digital Signal Processing Technologies Geoinformation System Technologies and their Application External funding sources: National integrated program ”Information Technologies Sector” EUREKA, COST programs, EU Framework 7

13 Fundamental Research of Materials and Processes Faculties: Fundamental Sciences Electronics Mechanics Research Centers and Institutes: Mechanics Institute Thermal Insulation Institute Labaratories: Parallel Computing Laboratory Numerical Modeling Laboratory Information Systems Research Laboratory Topics: Mathematical Models and Methods of Physical, Technological and Economic Processes Modelling of Biocatalytic Processes Materials and Technologies of Energy Sources External funding sources: National integrated programs ” Joint Laser, New Materials, Electronics, Nanotechnology and Applied Physical Sciences and Technologies” and “Biotechnology and Biopharmacy”, EUREKA, COST programs, EU Framework 7

14 Technology Management and Economics Faculties: Creative Industries Business Management Electronics Mechanics Topics: Universal Sustainability Research High Value-added Economy Integrated Communication Strategies and Concepts Creative Industries, Digital Society Development Innovation Management External funding sources: EU Framework 7 National integrated program ”Lithuanian Creative and Cultural Industries”

15 Research Journals Published by VGTU 18 peer-reviewed research journals published by VGTU Press, 8 out of them are indexed by Web of Science and 13 - by Scopus. 12 journals are co-published with Taylor&Francis.

16 Internationalisation at VGTU 1994 - first study programs in English launched In 2009 the ECTS and Diploma Supplement label awarded by EC 2015 - 12 at BSc + 16 at MSc programs in English More than 300 partners for Erasmus and about 80 bilateral institutional cooperation agreements for staff and student exchanges Ranked 24 th among European Top 100 sending HEIs for staff mobility and 69 th for student mobility (ranking of 2010-2011) within Erasmus Annual budget for internationalization - up to 1,2 mln. Euro (2013)

17 International students at VGTU

18 Countries of VGTU incoming students in 2013/2014 Degree students also come from: Belarus, Dominica, Egypt, Estonia, Iran, China, Kirgizstan, Columbia, Nigeria, Norway, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, South Korea, Russia, Finland, Uzbekistan

19 Countries of VGTU outgoing students in 2013/2014

20 VGTU International mobility: outgoing staff for Erasmus mobility Outgoing staff for teaching O Outgoing staff for training

21 International projects More than 30 international educational projects and up to 50 international research projects: Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus IPs, Erasmus Networks, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Tempus, Leonardo da Vinci, Nordplus, Framework 6-7, Eureka, Alfa III, EU- Asia-link, etc.

22 RESINT project Innovative virtual interuniversity network for resilience management educational cooperation: Other tools: Disaster_IES-R Test Stress management in real time Stress management during 1 month Stress management during 1 year Questionnaire

23 Thank you / Ačiū

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