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World Of Technolo gy. Let´s start with some numbers. The number of internet devices in 1984 was 1000, in 1992 had grown to 1 million users. Eight years.

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Presentation on theme: "World Of Technolo gy. Let´s start with some numbers. The number of internet devices in 1984 was 1000, in 1992 had grown to 1 million users. Eight years."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Of Technolo gy

2 Let´s start with some numbers. The number of internet devices in 1984 was 1000, in 1992 had grown to 1 million users. Eight years after the 21th century begun, 2008, it increased for 1 billion users. In 2012, the global internet population reached 2.1 billion people in. This number grows day by day, and every single day Myspace and other social networks have thousands and thousands of new accounts. If Myspace was a country it would be the 8 th largest in the world. Can you imagine that?! Our society is surrounded by technology and is creating a big dependence from it.

3 SMART HOUSES Nowadays, there already exists homes that have an automatic system incorporated which allows to control everything with a simple click on our phones and makes our lives much easier. So people have the latest technology in their homes. In smart houses: - You are able to see weather forecasts or check your emails, in the mirror, while you´re brushing your teeth; -You can order and pay your purchases, without going to the supermarket, directly from your kitchen; -The energy that sustains the house comes mainly from solar panels; -There are a security system equipped with cameras outside and inside of the house; -Energy´ economy is possible. Disadvantages: -loss of privacy; -the costs; -unhealthy lifestyle.

4 Advantages of technology: - you can easily go to the internet through our mobile phones, wherever you are; - The advancement of the technology had enabled the development of medicine, with the discovery of new diagnostic devices, treatments and the improvement of new techniques; -you can be in touch with our family, friends or other people who are distant from you; -you can be aware of everything that happens in the world; -you can be informed about anything, trough a simple click.

5 -The world of the internet such as social networks and online games has became for some people the only form of communication. If a person doesn´t have other forms of contact with the society, specially kids, the consequence will be social isolation. - One of the causes of car accidents are text messages or talk on the phone while you´re driving. Hundreds of people in the whole world get hurt and other hundreds of people die because of this. -Unemployment. Some workers have been replaced by more efficient machines and robots; which leads to high percentages of unemployment in more developed countries. -Big dependence of technology, mobile phones, internet, computers which can develop human health problems. Disadvantages of technology:

6 Some innovative and revolutionary gadgets: Google glasses: This glasses allows people doing everything with “free hands”, and are voice-controlled. They basically do the same functions that mobile phones, such taking photographs, making videos, send a message, connect to the internet etc. Apple Black Hole: This Apple´s gadget is arriving in 2020. It´s a futuristic phone that use holographic images and is controlled with a magnetic ball. Metamophing computer interface: It´s a computer produced for people who have vision problems and it has a braille surface for reading and even pictures in 3D relief. WristPc: It´s a gadget that has the same functions of a computer, but is much smaller, weightless and you can take it everywhere just by using it in your own wrist.

7 To conclude, technology is very important to our society. It´s incredible the way how it has revolutionized and facilitated our world. For the future, I predict that almost all the gadgets that we have imagined or that we had seen in sci-fiction movies will exist. I´m talking about hoover cars, teleportation, the healing for most serious diseases,... In the documentary about the future, it´s referenced that it will exist a sort of chip in our clothes that in case of blackout, will call an ambulance and send the geographic coordinates of your localization while you’ re unconscious. Can you believe? I can´t wait to see how it´s gonna be in 2050. We just have to be aware of the negative effects and enjoy it. For the future: Marta Pereira Madeira, nº 23, 10ºG.

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