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The impact of WP initiatives on admissions to pre-reg healthcare education An SHA-funded research project. The research team: Jacinta Elliott & Dr Reg.

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Presentation on theme: "The impact of WP initiatives on admissions to pre-reg healthcare education An SHA-funded research project. The research team: Jacinta Elliott & Dr Reg."— Presentation transcript:

1 The impact of WP initiatives on admissions to pre-reg healthcare education An SHA-funded research project. The research team: Jacinta Elliott & Dr Reg Walker, Elliott Walker Consultancy, York Professor Celia Roberts, King's College London Sunita Morris, Senior Lecturer Nursing, University Teacher Fellow, Leeds Metropolitan University

2 A. To analyse the annual admissions profile data across the region over a number of years B. To review the literatures on: (i) Widening participation in healthcare professions (ii) The pros and cons of selection interviewing C. A developmental evaluation of alternatives to conventional selection D. Doctoral research on the impact of WP on admissions decision-making Four strands of research

3  Survey of WP activities in 10 faculties of health in the region.  5 sites selected for developmental evaluation – working alongside WP specialists and admissions staff to: establish which WP activities are translating into more diverse student profiles; ways in which the relationship between admission processes and WP initiatives can be made more robust.  For comparative purposes, a further survey of 10 universities outside of the region. This will inform both the on-going developmental work and the overall report. Strand C: Evaluation of alternatives to conventional selection

4 Interim findings … Lots of partnership working with schools and FEs, Aim Higher, Open College, etc. Lots of interesting outreach activities - Baby Doctors, Childrens' University, summer schools, taster days … Increasing number of student support schemes Surprisingly little analysis or purposeful evaluation of the impact of all this Apparent disconnect between WP specialists and admissions staff

5 The survey of admissions processes …  Do you use selection interviews?  Do you use any other methods of face-to-face engagement?  Have your admissions processes changed in the last 5 years? If so in what ways?  Has the student profile changed in the last 5 years? If so in what ways?

6 Y+H survey : summary of 36 responses received so far …  Selection interviewing in use in all but one of the universities.  A range of additional activities in place: e.g. group interviews - applicant information days - mixed task days.  All but one of the universities have changed admissions processes in the last 5 years. Changes include: guaranteed interviews for students on foundation courses new literacy and numeracy tests dropping selection interviewing altogether (for nursing and physio).  Only three have done any detailed analysis of changes to student profiles (as recommended in the 2008 QAA audit).

7 Initial conclusions … Need to collect, analyse and use student data on a more considered basis to inform WP activity Start to evaluate which WP activities are impacting on student profiles & how Link WP activity and admissions processes to analysis of student support needs Need to make the links between WP activities and Admissions much more dynamic

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