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Emodnet Central Portal Ifremer inputs Excuse us for not beeing present today! Have a fruitful meeting!

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Presentation on theme: "Emodnet Central Portal Ifremer inputs Excuse us for not beeing present today! Have a fruitful meeting!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emodnet Central Portal Ifremer inputs Excuse us for not beeing present today! Have a fruitful meeting!

2 Ifremer of the central portal This vision is derived from : -Inspire technical requirements -Present implementations in thematic portals -Interoperability with other initiatives such as SeaDataNet, GMES-MyOcean, OBIS -Available standards and their usage in above implementations Important : This vision may not be fully accurate or not complete for the implementation of EMODNET Biology and Geology! 2

3 Main services (Inspire requirements) : The central portal main functionnalities 3 Data & product discovery Data & product access (download) Data & product visualization Web services (machine to machine) Web pages & data filesCommunication protocols (OGC, Open DAP, DIGIR,...) Common Data Index (description of observations i.e. « raw » data) Common Vocabulary server Common Taxynomy server Common product catalogue (description of maps, grids, DTM, climatologies, aggregated data sets of reference,...) Distributed data and product repositories Thematic portal 1 access services Thematic portal n access services

4 Description of necessary components -Common vocabulary and common taxinomy to speak the same language! -Common Data Index. descriptions (ISO 19139 metadata) of observation « raw » data. point to data services provided by thematic portals: download, visualization (WMS for data location, thematic visualization for data : OGC SWE (times series, vertical profiles), OneGeology, …) -Product catalogue. descriptions (ISO19139 metadata) of processed data (maps, grids, DTM,...). point to product services provided by thematic portals: download, remote access (WCS, OpenDAP, DIGIR), visualization (WMS). Provide standardized machine to machine services for external usages (Catalog Services for the Web) 4

5 Proposal for Ifremer participation -Development and maintenance of product catalogue on the basis of Sextant, already in use in several thematic portals, in MyOcean, in SeaDataNet, … Example of catalogue usage in MyOCean (easy since MyOcean manages only a few parameters!) : -Participation to the integration of thematic portal services (visualization, …) 5

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