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Common Issues in Visualization Same Symbol, Different Meaning – client and server using a similar representation but, having distinct functionality 1 Server.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Issues in Visualization Same Symbol, Different Meaning – client and server using a similar representation but, having distinct functionality 1 Server."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Issues in Visualization Same Symbol, Different Meaning – client and server using a similar representation but, having distinct functionality 1 Server Client-1 Client-2

2 Common Issues in Visualization Differences without meaning – Two clients being represented using two different representations, wherein they have same functionality. 2 Server Client-1 Client-2

3 Common Issues in Visualization Decorations without meaning 3

4 Common Issues in Visualization Borrowed symbol, different meaning – Symbols borrowed from other languages or concepts into designing language may tend not to imply the actual meaning of the language – Here, the designer might introduce the arrowed lines to imply unidirectional data flow between client, databases. In UML, such a symbol would mean generalization 4 Server Client Database

5 Evaluating Visualizations Scope and PurposeWhat models can it visualize? Basic Type of visualizationTextual? Graphical? Hybrid? DepictionThe components that are used to depict the model InteractionInterface is used for interacting with stakeholders? Fidelity How well does the visualization reflect the real world behavior? ConsistencyConsistency in depiction of components Comprehensibility How easy is it for stakeholders to understand the visualization DynamismUse of dynamic interactions in the model. AestheticsHow pleasing is the visualization to its users? ExtensibilityHow easy is it to adapt to a new problem?

6 Visualization techniques Textual visualizations – Basic text editors- Notepad, Pico – Enhanced editors- Visual studio, Netbeans, Eclipse – Enhancements of textual visualization Code Folding – Requires the identification of code start and end of various languages. Syntax coloring – Requires knowledge of syntax of language being used Templates – Generating default program-code Code completion – Automatic code completion requires the editor to interpret the syntax and predict the values. It also the editor to remember all the functions and objects being created

7 Visualization techniques Textual visualizations They have some disadvantages – Offer less comprehensibility – Dynamism, aesthetics, extensibility and view coordination are highly reliant on editor – Consistency is language dependent

8 Visualization techniques Informal graphical editors – PowerPoint and other lesser powerful graphical editors constitute this array of techniques – Advantages— Aesthetically pleasing visualizations Good interfaces Provides good comprehensibility to stakeholders – Disadvantages— Less support for extensibility Limited dynamism View coordination is manual and difficult Less consistency

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