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UNIT 3 BIOLOGY Mod. 14: Behavior Genetics—Predicting Individual Differences.

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1 UNIT 3 BIOLOGY Mod. 14: Behavior Genetics—Predicting Individual Differences

2 Genes: Our Code for Life Behavior Geneticists: study human differences and weigh the effects and interplay of heredity and environment Environment—external influences Genetics: human life…a book with 46 chapters (chromosomes), 23 from each parent DNA: genetic info, makes up chromosome Genes : tiny units of DNA, 20,000-25,000 If active, they are expressed


4 Genes Cont. Genome: instructions for creating an organism Gene sequencing Geneticists study gene variations and how it affects behavior/though/ etc Genetic predisposition: genetically influenced traits help explain both shared human nature and diversity

5 Twin and Adoption Studies Identical Twins (monozygotic) Fraternal Twins (dizgotic) Identical twins are basically a clone, same genes with some slight variations

6 Separated Twins “Jim” twins…example from your book Critics will say while they were separated they were probably raised in similar setting and looking for similarities

7 Biological vs. Adoptive Relatives Adopted children are more like their birth parents in regards to personality Adoptive parents influence attitudes, values, manners, faith, and politics

8 Molecular Genetics Focusing on specific genes that affect behavior Genes interacting Looking for risks of disease

9 Heritability The proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes Varies, depending on populations and environments being studied Measured from 0-1: 0 [0%] (low heritability): Influenced by environment 1 [100%] (high heritability): Influenced by genes E.g.: If the heritability of intelligence in a given population/environment is 40% (moderately low), then genetic influence explains 40% of differences in intelligence among that specific population Herit: Inherit Ability: Capability

10 Genes—Environmental Interaction Our genes and environment interact Epigenetics: studying gene- environment interaction

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