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China Plus Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan, and Mongolia too.

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Presentation on theme: "China Plus Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan, and Mongolia too."— Presentation transcript:

1 China Plus Hong Kong, Tibet, Taiwan, and Mongolia too

2 Certain materials are included under the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and have been prepared according to the multimedia fair use guidelines and are restricted from further use. Chinese Flag obtained from:

3 Hong Kong  British seized Hong Kong after the Opium War  Britain had a 99 year lease  Lease was up in 1997

4 Hong Kong  British colony until 1997  Thrived under capitalism  Now a part of China as a SAR

5 Southern China

6 China per capita income by province

7 Chinese Economy  Huge export economy  Based upon cheap labor  Economy growing at 8% per year

8 Chinese Energy Needs  China is 2 nd largest energy consumer (behind the U.S.)  Oil imports have quintupled since 1997  Real reason for rise in oil prices

9 Taiwan  The Republic of China  Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan in 1949  Taiwan claims to be the sole legitimate ruler of China

10 Taiwan  China wants Taiwan  U.S. protects Taiwan –Democracy –High Tech Economy  Taiwan independence

11 Taiwan –Referred to as an economic tiger because of cheap labor, high technology, and aggressive exports (also South Korea)

12 Mongolia  The Mongol Empire was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206  Mongolia is the world’s least densely populated country  Approximately 30% of the population are nomadic or semi- nomadic

13 One Child Policy  Population control  One child per couple  2 nd child okay if first child is a girl  Sex ratio is 118 boys to 100 girls

14  China’s population is now growing at.57%  The total fertility rate is around 1.4 which is below the replacement rate of 2.1 One Child Policy

15  High plateau  Was ruled by the Dali Lama  Claimed by China –Occupied in 1950 Tibet

16  Wants to be autonomous –Rights for Tibetan culture  Many Han Chinese moving in

17 Beijing Olympics  2008 Olympics  Problems: –Protests over Tibet –Freedom of Speech –Pollution

18 Communist China??  Capitalist Economy –China getting richer –Larger middle class –Better educated  Communist Government –No democracy –No freedom of speech

19 The Great Internet Firewall


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