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1 Open source enterprise search Why it should be the first choice for your intranet or website Mike Davis Principal Analyst #jboye12 November 2012 © All.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Open source enterprise search Why it should be the first choice for your intranet or website Mike Davis Principal Analyst #jboye12 November 2012 © All."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Open source enterprise search Why it should be the first choice for your intranet or website Mike Davis Principal Analyst #jboye12 November 2012 © All images acknowledged © msmd advisors Ltd 2012 responsive, credible, flexible

2 2 Running order Why enterprise search is not a ‘dead’ issue How the enterprise search market has changed in the last year Why open source should be the first choice for enterprise search tools © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

3 3 Your intranet or website is there – to help users make a decision © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

4 4 Decision making requires effective information That’s delivered: At the right place – and in context At the right time – and complete / credible / trusted To the right person(s) – who have authority to make decisions And it could be anywhere across the organisation's systems, or out in the cloud Hence you have your intranet or website © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

5 5 That information is embedded in a lot of other ‘stuff’ Transactional systems Content Management systems Email Instant messaging Images and video The organisation’s and external websites Social media © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

6 6 Finding the right/effective information requires enterprise search © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

7 7 Key enterprise search vendors late 2011 Source and © : Ovum 2011 © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

8 8 Key enterprise search vendors late 2011 – incl. OSS Source and © : Ovum 2011 © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

9 9 There is also something telling in this chart Source and © : Ovum 2011 © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

10 10 Why open source should be the first choice Open source software is by design of a higher quality than propriety: It is tighter It is transparent It gets fixed faster © msmd advisors Ltd 2012 Source & © Columbia Pictures 2006

11 11 Why open source search should be the first choice OSS market is already stable, and maturing fast: Lucid Imagination, FLAX, Sirius, and even IBM offer support Wider OS support from HP, Oracle and even Microsoft Not out of largesse, but for commercial motives © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

12 12 Summary With the requirement to make faster and better decisions on increasingly large and disparate information sources, the need for enterprise search tools that will need to 'outlive' the repositories and systems they crawl has never been higher Some propriety products 'may' be marginally technically better than OSS, but they come with a risk of support being lost through the continued consolidation of the vendor base Enterprise search is one of the most mature pieces of OSS, in particular Lucene and its enterprise cousin Solr are now proven in the largest of deployments, and OSS has an experienced and growing support infrastructure © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

13 13 Thank you @mikemasseydavis responsive, credible, flexible © msmd advisors Ltd 2012

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