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NOVEC Fire Suppression System

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Presentation on theme: "NOVEC Fire Suppression System"— Presentation transcript:

1 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Configuration and Operation

2 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
What is NOVEC? 3M Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid Is a next-generation halon alternative offering outstanding performance, large margin of safety, and an excellent environmental profile. • Zero ozone depletion potential • 5-day atmospheric lifetime • A global warming potential of 1 • A large margin of safety for occupied spaces Novec 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is based on a proprietary chemical from 3M called a fluoroketone. The full chemical name for this compound is dodecafluoro-2-methylpentan-3-one. Its ASHRAE nomenclature – the way it is designated in the NFPA 2001 and ISO clean agent standards – is FK Novec 1230 fluid offers a unique combination of safety, low environmental impact and extinguishing performance, making it the first chemical halon replacement to offer a viable, long-term, sustainable technology for special hazards fire protection.

3 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How does NOVEC Work? Extinguishes by: Absorption of heat Interruption of Chemical Chain Reaction Don’t Just Manage a Fire. Extinguish It. 3M™ Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection Fluid is a highly-effective clean agent fire suppressant, designed to extinguish a fire in its incipient stage before it has a chance to spread. It is applied as a gas, but is liquid at room temperature, and can be effectively used in streaming, flooding systems, or for use in inerting and explosion suppression applications. Knocks down fires fast Novec 1230 Fluid has a very low heat of vaporization, approximately 25 times less than that of water. This, along with a higher vapor pressure, causes Novec 1230 Fluid to evaporate more than 50 times faster than water. It also allows the clean agent to transition from a liquid to a gaseous state very rapidly when discharged through a nozzle, and readily achieve vapor extinguishing concentrations in air. With high extinguishing efficiency and a wide margin of safety, Novec 1230 fluid is a great alternative to water sprinkler systems, foam and dry chemicals due to: • Low toxicity (no harm to personnel) • Extinguishes fires in less than half the time of CO2 & inert gases • No damage to sensitive equipment • Not targeted for emission reduction or phaseout

4 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Is NOVEC Safe?

5 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Configuration Engine Room is only space protected by the NOVEC Fire Suppression System. System may be activated from any of the following stations: Port Main Deck Entry at the top of E/R Stairs. Wheelhouse, Port, Forward, Stack Bulkhead. VSP Room Local Station.

6 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Configuration Nitrogen, through stainless steel tubing, actually send the “signals” to the valves at the local station to open. No cables or wires like our old boats systems! Wheelhouse NOVEC Remote Station

7 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Configuration Port Entry NOVEC Remote Station

8 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Configuration VSP Room NOVEC Local Station

9 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Configuration 900 Pounds of NOVEC agent are stored in a pressure tank in the Starboard, FWD VSP Room. NOVEC is a liquid at standard pressures and temperatures, but when released at high pressure expands quickly to a “gaseous state.” A flexible stainless steel hose connects the pressure tank to the galvanized discharge piping that leads into the Engine Room.

10 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Configuration The NOVEC discharge piping terminate at (4) nozzles, evenly spaced around the E/R

11 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works When you operate the levers on the nitrogen bottles at either remote station, it sends nitrogen down stainless steel tubing to the NOVEC Local Station in the VSP Room. The bottle on the left causes the Nitrogen Pilot Valve to open The bottle on the right causes the system Control Valve to open Note: You MUST lift BOTH Levers to discharge NOVEC (it does not matter what order)

12 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works Nitrogen from the remote stations opens the Control Valve seen here. Nitrogen from the remote stations opens the Nitrogen Pilot Valve seen here Down in the Port, Aft VSP Room

13 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works Nitrogen released from the Pilot Tank causes several things to happen: Opens the valve on the Time Delay Bottle. Triggers the two pneumatic switches which trigger machinery and ventilation Emergency Stops. Opens the valve on the large nitrogen bottle which: Sounds the NOVEC Release Siren Sends nitrogen to remotely close the Fuel Oil Day Tank Remote Closing Valves (Nitrogen pressure is reduced through a preset regulator).

14 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works Once the Time Delay has occurred (34 seconds), nitrogen is released from the Time Delay Nitrogen tank, through stainless tubing, and triggers the NOVEC Storage Tank Valve to open. All NOVEC is now released into Engine Room.

15 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works The following equipment is effected by the NOVEC actuated pneumatic switches and will need to be reset after a NOVEC release: All Engines and Generators F.O. Transfer Pumps Clean L.O./Uses L.O./ Oily Water Transfer Pumps Clean L.O. Tank Isolation Valve E/R Ventilation Fans shut-down E/R Ventilation Dampers closed (magnetic hold-back) VSP Room/Aft Hold Ventilation Fans shut down VSP Room/Aft Hold Ventilation dampers closed Machinery Space Relief Air Louvers close (Port and Starboard Stack plenum) HVAC supply fans shut down (maybe…still waiting to verify) Bulkhead fire dampers 1,2,3, & 4 shut down.(maybe…still waiting to verify)

16 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works All the equipment on the previous list is tripped through the pneumatic switches seen here. Nitrogen from the Pilot Bottle activates these switches. In turn, the switches interact through the Emergency Stop System to shut down machinery, close dampers, etc. Pilot Bottle

17 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works The following equipment is effected directly by a nitrogen pressure signal from the NOVEC system and will need to be reset after NOVEC activation: F.O. Day Tank Remote Closing Valves (Fill, and supply valves)

18 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
How the System Works To Day Tank remote closing valves Step down regulator The Fuel Oil Day Tank Valves are pneumatically actuated remote closing, so when the NOVEC system is activated, nitrogen from the siren driver bottle, also pneumatically trips these valves closed. The nitrogen is stepped down in pressure to around 100 psi to close these valves. Note: The Fuel Oil Day Tank Valves may also be tripped from the from the Fire Control Station Panels (Main Deck Entry, Wheelhouse). This is an electric over service air signal. Siren driver nitrogen

19 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Activating the NOVEC System The decision to activate the NOVEC System should not be taken lightly. It is only after all offensive, and defensive tactics to control a fire in the Engine Room of the Fireboat have been exhausted should activation of NOVEC be considered, as well as the risks and consequences of a NOVEC release. Prior to releasing NOVEC, it is assumed the General Alarm has been sounded and all crew members are aware of the emergency. It is a joint decision between Fire Captain, Pilot, and Engineer whether to release NOVEC or not. Remember: Once NOVEC discharge is initiated, all machinery, ventilation, fuel oil, etc. in the machinery space will be shut down, and you will have a virtually dead ship. Make sure the fireboat is in a position (if possible) where a dead ship will not create more problems (grounding, collision, hazard to navigation, blocking a shipping channel, sinking/flooding). Ensure Engine Room is evacuated of all personnel prior to initiating NOVEC release!

20 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Activating the NOVEC System Prior to activating the NOVEC system you should ensure the following is done: Engine Room Evacuated Crew Accounted for Issue a distress call - call 911 (ha ha) Vessel in safest area possible, consider anchoring or mooring vessel. Secure all Engine Room Machinery, Ventilation, Ventilation Dampers, Fuel Oil Day Tank Valves (If you forget any of these the NOVEC system will secure it automatically) Secure all Machinery Space Doors: VSP Room Watertight Door Aft Hold Water Tight Door Port Main Deck Entry Doors Engine Room Escape Hatch VSP Room Escape Hatch

21 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Activating the NOVEC System NOVEC release may be initiated from either remote activation station. Pull the pins and lift the levers of both nitrogen bottles. You only have to do it from one or the other remote station! Wheel House NOVEC Port Entry NOVEC Note: Once you activate from this station, get out of here and close the doors behind you. This area is technically the top of the Engine Room!!

22 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Activating the NOVEC System To Activate NOVEC System from the VSP Room Station: Close Water Tight Door between Engine Room and VSP Room Pull pin and lift this lever The system will start the release cycle, so head out of VSP Room through escape hatch. If you wish to by-pass the time delay (34 seconds), pull pin and lift lever on this cylinder, and NOVEC will release immediately.

23 NOVEC Fire Suppression System
Resetting after NOVEC Release We have researched the re-set procedures for the E-Stop and NOVEC automated machinery shut-down systems. Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have enough information to provide you with an accurate re-set procedure. We will work with the shipyard team to develop a procedure for resetting machinery after E-Stop activation and/or NOVEC System activation. This procedure will be provided to you in a subsequent training document, or during on site training once the boat makes it to Long Beach.

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