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Tragedy of the Commons Rachel Carson Nonrenewable resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Tragedy of the Commons Rachel Carson Nonrenewable resources."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tragedy of the Commons

3 Rachel Carson

4 Nonrenewable resources

5 Developed Countries

6 Ecological footprint

7 Law of Conservation of Matter

8 10% rule

9 synergy

10 biosphere

11 biomes

12 persistence

13 Bioaccumulation

14 1 st law of thermodymanics

15 Point (sources)

16 poverty

17 Stewardship view

18 biodiversity

19 Exponential growth

20 Negative feedback loop

21 Organic

22 undernutrition

23 Traditional Subsistence Agriculture

24 Logistic growth

25 matter

26 2 nd law of thermodynamics

27 isotope

28 R-strategist

29 specialist

30 heterotroph

31 Natural selection

32 producers

33 NPP or Net Primary Productivity

34 abiotic

35 Tundra

36 Temperate Deciduous Forest

37 Limiting factors

38 Intertidal zone

39 decomposer

40 Trophic level

41 Taiga or Coniferous forest

42 savanna

43 K-strategist

44 niche

45 Biotic potential

46 generalist

47 transpiration

48 Solar capital

49 Phosphorus

50 Ecosystem

51 Nitrogen Fixation

52 Natural capital

53 Per capita

54 Sustainability

55 Succession

56 Ecology

57 Community

58 Replacement Level Fertility

59 Demographic Transition

60 Food web

61 mutualism

62 Interspecific competition

63 Primary succession

64 Population density

65 Carbon cycle

66 denitrification

67 Carrying capacity

68 Surface fire

69 mutagen

70 Resource partitioning

71 Industrialized agriculture

72 pesticide

73 Sulfur cycle

74 assimilation

75 teratogen

76 Acute response

77 Exotic or invasive species

78 Desert

79 mutation

80 biomagnification

81 Keystone species

82 Species evenness

83 indicator species

84 parasitism

85 nitrates

86 Chronic response

87 commensalism

88 overnutrition

89 GMO

90 LD-50

91 mercury

92 malnutrition

93 dose

94 lead

95 fertility

96 emigration

97 Infant mortality

98 Stage 2

99 chaparral

100 Chesapeake Bay

101 eutrophic

102 Urban sprawl

103 AIDS

104 urbanization

105 toxicity

106 watershed

107 Food security

108 pest

109 desertification

110 Green Revolution

111 salinization

112 aquaculture

113 famine

114 Plantation agriculture

115 Tropical Rainforest

116 Integrated pest management

117 Boomerang effect

118 goiter

119 anemia

120 tolerance

121 Geographic isolation

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