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NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries 1 1 Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries II Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries 1 1 Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries II Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries 1 1 Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries II Vice Admiral Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Administrator March 25, 2005 Focus on the Future

2 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries2 OUTLINE U.S. Ocean Action Plan update Ecosystem management Observations Fisheries management

3 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries3 ADMINISTRATION’S RESPONSE TO THE U.S. COMMISSION ON OCEAN POLICY December 17, 2004 Executive Order: Committee on Ocean Policy U.S. Ocean Action Plan

4 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries4 COMMITTEE ON OCEAN POLICY Will advise President and agency heads on policies concerning ocean-related matters Committee on Ocean Policy Chair: Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Cabinet Level membership Interagency Committee on Ocean Science and Resource Management Integration (AQUA) Co-Chairs: Office of Science & Technology Policy (Associate Director) & CEQ (Deputy or COS) Expanded ORAP (Ocean Research Advisory Panel) National Security Council Policy Coordinating Committee—Global Environment Chair: NSC National Science and Technology Council Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology Co-Chairs: OSTP & Agency Subcommittee for Integrated Management for Ocean Resources (SIMOR) Co-Chairs: CEQ & Agency Reporting LinesCommunication Lines

5 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries5 HIGH LEVEL ATTENTION “Our oceans sustain an abundance of natural wonders, enable the transportation of vital goods, and provide food and recreation for millions of Americans. My Administration is working with every level of government, the private sector, and other non-governmental organizations to advance the next generation of ocean policy.” - President George W. Bush

6 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries6 NOAA’S MISSION GOALS Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through ecosystem management Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Support the Nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation

7 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries7 ECOSYSTEM DEFINITIONS An ecosystem is a geographically specified system of organisms (including humans), the environment, and the processes that control its dynamics Ecosystem approach to management: a Adaptive a Regionally directed a Takes account of ecosystem knowledge a Takes account of uncertainty a Considers multiple external influences a Strives to balance diverse societal objectives

8 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries8 CA/OR DRIFT GILLNET FISHERY Leatherback Closed Area a Annually August - November Loggerhead Closed Area a June-August during El Niño years

9 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries9 CHESAPEAKE BAY Food Web: Blue Crabs, Oysters, Striped Bass, Humans Other considerations: Habitat, non- point source pollution, life cycle differences, other species Observations and collaboration will allow for an ecosystem approach to managing this system

10 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries10 EARTH OBSERVATIONS BENEFITS Natural & Human Induced Disasters Human Health & Well-Being Energy Resources Climate Variability & Change Water Resources Weather Information, Forecasting & Warning Terrestrial, Coastal & Marine Ecosystems Sustainable Agriculture & Desertification Biodiversity

11 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries11 EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND FISHERIES Commercial & recreational catch statistics Stock assessments Observer program Standardized sampling gear Oceanographic & lower tropic level data

12 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries12 MAGNUSON-STEVENS ACT Current system generally works well Reauthorization Improvements in some areas a Ecosystem management a Council representation a Reducing overcapacity a IFQs and dedicated access privileges a Improved regional fisheries management

13 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries13 IFQS/DEDICATED ACCESS PRIVILEGES Administration support Help to end the “race for fish” Increase safety at sea a Bering Sea crab Fishery Magnuson-Stevens Act and IFQs

14 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries14 LARGE MARINE ECOSYSTEMS

15 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries15 GREAT LAKES REGIONAL COLLABORATION Federal, state, local, tribal governments and Congress Issue Area Strategy Teams developing strategies for collaboratively addressing 8 regional environmental priorities Task Force Accomplishments a Carp Barrier a Snakehead Rapid Response Team

16 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries16 GULF OF MEXICO REGIONAL COLLABORATION FL, AL, MS, LA & TX working with federal government, White House participation Gulf Alliance Plan of Action a Reduce nutrient loading a use of observations to improve water quality and health of beaches and shellfish beds a wetland restoration a Education a habitat identification

17 NOAA: Managing Our Nation's Fisheries17 WRAP UP U.S. Ocean Action Plan—an exciting time in the ocean community Ecosystem management—evolutionary and incremental Observations—improved scientific information for fisheries management Fisheries management—we’re on a good track Partnerships!

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