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Starter – Name the Functions. Lesson Objectives 1.Be able to perform a VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP in Excel 2.Be able to use named ranges in Excel 3.Be able.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter – Name the Functions. Lesson Objectives 1.Be able to perform a VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP in Excel 2.Be able to use named ranges in Excel 3.Be able."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter – Name the Functions


3 Lesson Objectives 1.Be able to perform a VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP in Excel 2.Be able to use named ranges in Excel 3.Be able to use a range of Excel functions to create a spreadsheet model.

4 LOOKUP What did LOOKUP do?

5 VLOOKUP VLOOKUP works in the same way but allows us to be more flexible. – We can specify which column we want to find the value from Your teacher will demonstrate how to use VLOOKUP (Task 1 – Stationary Order) You then need to have a go at completing the same task. – Remember to save the CSV file as an ‘Excel Workbook’

6 VLOOKUP Notes Time! In your books, explain how the VLOOKUP function works. =VLOOKUP(A4, Products.csv!$A$3:$E$8, 2, FALSE)

7 HLOOKUP This is the same as VLOOKUP, but uses a horizontal table rather than Vertical one.

8 HLOOKUP Notes Time! HLOOKUP works in the same way as VLOOKUP but uses a horizontal table. Uses row number rather that column number. Heading 1Heading 2Heading 3 Heading 1 Heading 2 Heading 3

9 Task 2 Open Internet Cafe.csv from the Task 2 folder. – Save it as an Excel Workbook. Add formulae to the spreadsheet. – Column D – This will show the fee depending upon the number of units used. You will need the data from charges.csv – Column E – This will contain the ‘Own laptop fee’ only for those who are using their own laptop. HINT: Use an IF statement.

10 Named Ranges What is a range?

11 Ranges =SUM(A1:C8) A1:C8 A range is simply a group a cells. A named range is a group of cells you have given a name to. If we named A1:C8 as MyRange the formula would be… =SUM(MyRange)

12 Named Ranges It means we do not have use absolute cell referencing Makes referring to cells in formulae easier… =VLOOKUP(D5,Sheet3!F6:I14,2,TRUE) Would become… =VLOOKUP(D5,Sales,2,TRUE)

13 Naming Ranges Your teacher will name demonstrate how to name a range… Then…complete Task 3.xlsx from the shared area.

14 Plenary List the following functions in your book. – SUM – SUMIF – COUNTIF – IF – ROUND – IF(A1=“Yes”,IF(C4>D4,”Pass”,”Fail”),”Fail”) – VLOOKUP Next to each evaluate your understanding by drawing  

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