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System Interface Evaluation: Goodreads Group 3 April 17, 2012.

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1 System Interface Evaluation: Goodreads Group 3 April 17, 2012

2 Group 3 Members Lauren Long, Evaluator Cataloger, Transylvania Co. Library, Brevard, NC ITRL Student JULIE FORKNER, Evaluator Director, E.G. Fisher Public Library Athens, TN ITRL Student ANGELA GLOWCHESKI, Evaluator Information Specialist, Lumpkin Co. Public Library Dahlonega, GA ITRL Student SUSAN MACRELLIS, Leader Director, East Ridge City Library Chattanooga, TN ITRL Student MARILYN PONTIUS Evaluator Branch Manager, Hancock War Memorial Branch Library Washington Co, MD ITRL Student

3 Leader Responsibilities  Planning the evaluation method  Developing two tasks to be performed by each group member (Evaluator)  Meeting with evaluators to discuss tasks, responsibilities, when and where to perform walkthrough, use of Nielsen’s severity rating scale  Performing a walkthrough for each task and creating a task analysis to use as benchmarks for comparison to Evaluator walkthroughs.

4 Evaluator Responsibilities  Perform each task individually  Identify potential problems and errors  Use Nielsen’s severity rating scale  Provide solutions for solving the problems and errors  Document the feelings and emotions  Generate a usability report as a team

5 Cognitive Walkthrough Overview Based on what was learned in Assignment 2:  Evaluate interface frequently used by adult service librarians  Evaluate a freely available reader’s advisory interface Two Phases:  Preparatory Phase  Analysis Phase

6 Walkthrough Methodology  Preparatory Phase Define the interface Define the tasks Define the target users Define the correct sequence of actions to complete tasks

7 Favorite Genres generated from user input Keyword searching What friends are reading and what they have to say about it Free Stuff Book Clubs Preparatory Phase: Define the Interface

8 Task 1 Task 2  A user is looking for a book in the Goodreads website. He wants to find the name of the author of this book: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. Find the author’s name and write it down on the task instruction sheet.  Find how many books there are in the “Blossom Street” series written by Debbie Macomber. What is the title of the most recent book in the series? Find the title name and write it down on the task instruction sheet. Preparatory Phase: Define the Tasks

9  Adult services librarian working in a public library  Has obtained a college degree, and in many cases a master’s degree  Performs tasks related to reader’s advisory  Utilizes a reader’s advisory information system  Seeking information Preparatory Phase: Define the Users

10 TASK 1 Preparatory Phase: Correct Sequence of Actions 0. A user is looking for a book in the Goodreads website. He wants to find the name of the author of this book: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. If you find the author's name, write it down on the task instructions sheet. 1. Access Goodreads website 1.1. Open browser 1.2. Enter Goodreads URL in address bar ( 2. Access Goodreads search box 2.1. From home page scroll down to search box 2.2. Click inside search box 3. Enter search terms in search box (Jonathan strange and mr. norrell) 3.1. Hit enter key or click on magnifying glass icon 4. From results page select first record returned: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke 4.1. Write down name of author on task instruction sheet, Susanna Clarke

11 TASK 2 Preparatory Phase: Correct Sequence of Actions 0. Find how many books there are in the "Blossom Street" series written by Debbie Macomber. What is the title of the most recent book in the series? Write down number of books in series and title of most recent one on the task instructions sheet. 1. Access Goodreads website 1.1. Open browser 1.2. Enter Goodreads URL in address bar ( 2. Access Goodreads search box 2.1. From home page scroll down to search box 2.2. Click inside search box 3. Enter search terms in search box (Debbie Macomber) 3.1. Hit enter key or click on magnifying glass icon 4. From first page of results, select second record returned: The House on Blossom Street (Blossom Street #1). 4.1. Click on book title or book jacket photo 5. Go to Blossom Street series page. 5.1. Click on series name hyperlink following book title (Blossom Street #1) 5.2. Write down number of books in series (8) and title of latest book A Turn in the Road

12 Walkthrough Methodology  Analysis Phase Evaluators perform tasks and record data Collect and compare data to correct actions Construct success story with defense of credibility Construct failure story

13 Analysis Phase: Task Instruction Worksheet Example ActionProblemActual or Potential? Nielsen Severity Cause of Problem Possible Solution Feelings/ Emotions 1. Go to www.googread 2. Enter “Jonahan Strange and” in title search box 2.1 Error returned Unexpected error report: Did you mean jonah an strange and Actual1Misspelled name Improve “did you mean” function to recognize “jonahan” as Jonathan” Surprised. Confused by message, but recognized the “did you mean” probably ment a spelling error.

14 Analysis Phase – Consolidation Spreadsheet  Allows problems and errors to be easily identified  Create best success story with credibility data  Create worst failure story with problem areas identified

15 Task Data Consolidation and Analysis Task 1 Example: Compare Actions Correct ActionEval 1Eval 2Eval 3Eval 4 1. Go to m 2. Enter “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell” in title search box 2. Enter “Jonathan Strange and” in title search box 2. Entered “Jonathan Strange” in title search box 2. Enter “Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell” in title search box 2.1 Error returned

16 Summary & Conclusion  Where we are Evaluators – perform cognitive walkthroughs and fill-in findings on task instruction sheet; Discuss in group meeting; Begin formulating narration (findings) for final report; Review / edits for final report; Submit final report.  Questions/Comments for the Group


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