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Webinar September 15, 2011.  Priority for Service Definition  State Service Delivery Plan  Tips and Reminders  Summer School 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar September 15, 2011.  Priority for Service Definition  State Service Delivery Plan  Tips and Reminders  Summer School 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar September 15, 2011

2  Priority for Service Definition  State Service Delivery Plan  Tips and Reminders  Summer School 2012

3 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Section 1304(d) Priority for Services “…each recipient of funds shall give priority to migratory children who are failing, or most at- risk of failing, to meet the State’s challenging academic and achievement standards and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year.”

4 Interrupted School Year (QAD or Attendance <90% due to migratory lifestyle) Most recent state assessment results Credit deficient Retention English language proficiency exam results Grade Age Compatible Missing data may impact results

5  Maintain a listing of identified PFS updated on a regular basis according to the eligible migratory patterns in your community.  For example, develop initial listing in spring time as part of next year planning;  Update listing in fall as part of final selection of students to be served;  Refresh listing in winter as families return to community to begin eligible seasonal activities.  Report services provided to migrant students, including PFS students, into the Migrant Student Information System.

6 Continue to update SDP Goals Worksheet Date most recent entry (e.g., 9/16/11) Update progress indicators using: Substantial Progress (activity fully implemented) Moderate Progress (51% or more of activity implemented) No Progress/Needs More Work (initial planning stages, no implementation has occurred) Maintain appropriate documentation that supports current progress indicator

7 Baseline Data Conduct student and family surveys (surveys may be modified if needed but should reflect intent of original survey question). Conduct at least 10 parent/family/student surveys from each of the appropriate sample groups (e.g., families of at least 10 pre-school aged migrant students) Compile survey results Report results on-line by February 16, 2012. (Current baseline data will be downloaded and saved by MSDR). Survey templates on-line at MSDR (MEP Clearinghouse)

8  MEP Clearinghouse ( Access SDP parent and student survey templates; math toolkit materials/resources; materials for secondary students; link to parent involvement pages

9  Calendar of Events ( Calendar of Events – posting Webinars/videoconferences, trainings, workshops, other events for Title I, Part C Migrant Education Program

10  Technical Assistance/Professional Development Request (

11 MSDR Fall Trainings Identification/Recruitment and Student Data Academies – if you have not yet been annually trained in I/R, you must receive training (occurring statewide the month of October) Migrant Health Program Trainings Going Paperless! Come learn what this means to your district. It is critical that appropriate district and provider personnel attend one of the migrant physical examination trainings in order to understand this new system. If you have any questions, please contact me (509-682-0373/ or Rosemarie Hanson (509-682-3248/

12 Meeting for districts providing summer school to migrant students using Title I, Part C funds. November 4, 2011 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Wenatchee, Washington (location to be announced)

13 Helen Malagon, Director Migrant and Bilingual Education Programs OSPI 360.725.6147 Terrie Beckman, Administrative Assistant Lupe Ledesma, Program Supervisor Sylvia Reyna, Program Supervisor Paul McCold, Program Administrator

14 Lee Campos, Director Migrant Student Data and Recruitment Office Sunnyside 509.837.2712 Mike Taylor, Supervisor Migrant Education Health Program Chelan 509.682.0373 Linda Roberts, Director Secondary Education for Migrant Youth Sunnyside 509.836.7500 Thom Romero, Regional Director Migrant Education Regional Office 105 Yakima 509.454.2854 Ismael Vivanco, Regional Director Migrant Education Regional Office 171 Wenatchee 509.665.2616 Mary Kernel, Regional Director Migrant Education Regional Office 189 Anacortes 360.299.4047

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