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While it may look like snow, it is not. This precious commodity is salt!

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Presentation on theme: "While it may look like snow, it is not. This precious commodity is salt!"— Presentation transcript:

1 While it may look like snow, it is not. This precious commodity is salt!

2 And you may not believe this but the human body needs salt.

3 Salt is needed by the human body to help muscles and nerves to work and to regulate blood pressure.

4 If the human body goes for a long period of time without salt, it will die.

5 As agriculture developed, salt became more important. Farmers ate less meat than hunters and gatherers. Therefore, they needed more salt.

6 Africa was home to many great kingdoms prior to the arrival of the Europeans.

7 A series of powerful trading kingdoms emerged in West Africa.

8 The West African kingdoms controlled important trade routes that connected North Africa and West Africa.

9 North Africa was rich in the salt that West Africa lacked. West Africa was rich in gold. The Trans-Saharan trade led to an exchange of salt for gold.

10 Ghana was called the “land of gold” but it did not have gold. Instead, the trade routes passed through Ghana and the kings of Ghana taxed all entering and exiting the kingdom.

11 The kingdom of Ghana emerged as early as 500 A.D. It collapsed in the 11 th century.

12 The kings of Ghana used their wealth to build a powerful army and keep the peace within their empire.

13 Religious Muslims invaded and destroyed Ghana in the 1100s but another West African kingdom rose to power to protect the valuable Salt for Gold Trade.

14 The Big Eight Why is salt essential for human beings? What did West Africa lack? What did North Africa possess? Describe the Trans-Saharan Trade. Which was the first powerful West African kingdom? Why was Ghana called the “land of gold” if it had no gold? How did Ghana use its wealth? What led to the decline of Ghana?

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