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Slave Trade As Exploration Continued --> a massive slave trade developed Slavery had existed before, but was a different institution –Limited in scope.

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2 Slave Trade

3 As Exploration Continued --> a massive slave trade developed Slavery had existed before, but was a different institution –Limited in scope –Mainly with Middle East

4 Why did Europeans embrace slave trade? Supply and Demand

5 Demand Economy of new world depended on massive labor Labor demand - Sugar, cotton, tobacco, rice Native Americans died off and ran away Europeans wouldn’t do it Tremendous death rate –Cheaper to work them to death and replace –Harsh “Middle Passage” - high death rate Low levels of child birth - too expensive at first

6 Supply Economy of Africa became dependant on Slave Trade Europeans traded finished goods for slaves Destroyed domestic African industries Only significant industry was Slave Trade

7 Functioning of Slave Trade Africans initially enslaved individuals captured in battle, not born into institution Now known as Triangular Trade (Atlantic S.T.) 1.As demand for slaves increased, it became an industry w/in Africa as Warlords kidnapped strongest and most able bodied Europeans paid for slaves with manufactured goods (guns, textiles) Undermined development of any African economy Europeans also began to colonize Africa

8 Functioning of Slave Trade 2. Middle Passage: Crossing the Atlantic –Harsh conditions, multi-decked ships –Served to break the will to resist - Dehumanize

9 Functioning of Slave Trade 3. Distribution: Caribbean islands served as central processing and distribution location –Slaves sold in groups (called lots) to regional slave traders who then sold them throughout New World

10 Functioning of Slave Trade 4. End Sale: Regional slave sales took place –Plantation owners bought and sold slaves as needed

11 Results Slave trade destroyed domestic economic development in Africa Millions of slaves transported to New World Africa was greatly weakened, allowing European countries to colonize

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