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Individually or with a partner you will research a biblical allusion assigned to you by you teacher and create a 1-2 minute presentation where you describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Individually or with a partner you will research a biblical allusion assigned to you by you teacher and create a 1-2 minute presentation where you describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Individually or with a partner you will research a biblical allusion assigned to you by you teacher and create a 1-2 minute presentation where you describe the story that accompanies your allusion. Biblical Allusion Presentation

2 In presenting, you may use any medium you choose to present the information. Additionally, you will be required to bring in a 3-D object that furthers your peers’ understanding of the story making the allusion more tangible and easier to remember. Biblical Allusion Presentation Instructions Continued…

3 Rubric 4 Exemplary (100-90) 3 Proficient (90-80) 2 Met Standard (80-70) 1 Developing Standard (70-below) ContentContent acutely reflects the biblical story, touching on all major points and providing depth of understanding to the audience. Content accurately reflects the biblical story, addressing most major points and providing understanding to the audience. Content reflects the biblical story, touching on some major points and providing understanding to the audience. Content fails to reflect the biblical story, missing major points and providing little to no understanding in the mind of the audience. Object Clearly reflects biblical story adding depth and understanding to the presentation. Reflects biblical story aiding in the audience’s understanding of the story. Reflects biblical story aiding in the audience’s understanding of the story, but might not be the strongest representation based on the story. Object does not aid the audience in understanding the biblical story. PresentationWhile presenting I skillfully use language effectively to meet the needs of my audience. Overall, my presentation is easily understood and engaging. While presenting I use language effectively to meet the needs of my audience. Overall, my presentation is understood illustrating my ability to communicate to a large audience. While presenting I use language somewhat effectively to meet the needs of my audience. Overall, my presentation is inconsistent illustrating weaknesses in my ability to communicate to a large audience. While presenting I use language ineffectively to meet the needs of my audience. Overall, my presentation is not understood illustrating my inability to communicate to a large audience.

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