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ARE YOU… seeking an international career motivated to study abroad, possibly in Oulu well-qualified fluent in English ready for an experience unlike any.

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2 ARE YOU… seeking an international career motivated to study abroad, possibly in Oulu well-qualified fluent in English ready for an experience unlike any other?

3 Two higher education institutions of Oulu Oulu University of Applied Sciences University of Oulu

4 OULU - Bits and pieces largest city in Northern Finland population of 135,000 of which 20 % are higher education students exceptionally young age structure: average age 37 years situated 65,01°N, 160 kilometres from the Arctic Circle direct and fast connections to both Lapland and to the capital

5 OULU -Bits and pieces excellent place for outdoor activities: biking, ice-skating, skiing, hiking and –why not – ice swimming innovations from Oulu: heart rate monitor, internet relay chat, bone health exercise monitor, security testing software… free public Internet network on the campuses and in the city centre more than 100 different nationalities living in Oulu headquarter for world-class companies such as Nokia, Polar, Tracker, WinWind, CCC and many more

6 OULU -Bits and pieces one of the world’s most important centres for wireless communication one of Finland’s most successful regions in terms of economy, vitality, competitiveness and well-being Nokia Group is the third most important employer in Oulu area home for numerous cultural festivals such as the Air Guitar World Championships, Oulu Music Festival for classical music, Oulu International Children’s Film Festival and much more.

7 Oulu University of Applied Sciences 8600 students, 500 international students per year Fields of study: Culture, Natural Resources and the Environment, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Business and Administration, Social Services, Health and Sports, Technology, Communications and Transport Bachelor and Master Degrees

8 University of Oulu 15800 students, 1000 international students per year Fields of study: Architecture, Business Studies, Dentistry, Economics, Educational Sciences, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Information Science, Medicine, Natural Sciences Bachelor and Master Degrees, PhD. studies

9 International students in the Oulu region app. 600 international degree students app. 800 international exchange students

10 Finnish education system


12 International degree studies Both Bachelor and Master programmes Taught entirely in English in an international study group, students from all over the world No tuition fees Broad contacts to local companies and business life Excellent study facilities Studies are flexible and student-centred Application once a year (November-February) More information:

13 Hankkeen tavoitteet ja toteutus 2. Vahvistaa yhteistyötä korkeakoulujen eri kansainvälisten koulutusohjelmien välillä Korkeakoulujen kansainvälisten koulutusohjelmien tapaamiset 3. Vahvistaa yhteyksiä ja yhteistyötä työelämän kanssa -> Paikallisten yritysten ja työnantajien tietouden vahvistuminen Oulun korkeakoulujen kansainvälisistä koulutusohjelmista Osallistuminen yritystapahtumiin, yhteistyö mm. Ouluseutu yrityspalvelujen kanssa

14 INTERNATIONAL BACHELOR’S PROGRAMMES/ OULU UAS Oulu University of Applied Sciences Engineering Degree Programme in Information Technology, BEng Business Degree Programme in International Business, BBA Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, BBA

15 INTERNATIONAL MASTER’S PROGRAMMES/ UNIVERSITY OF OULU Education Master’s Degree Programme in Education and Globalisation, MA Economics and Business Master’s Programme in International Business, MSc International Master’s Programme in Finance and Economics, MSc Master’s Programme in Financial and Management Accounting, MSc

16 INTERNATIONAL MASTER’S PROGRAMMES/ UNIVERSITY OF OULU Medicine Masters Degree Programme in Health and Wellbeing in the Circumpolar Area, MHSc Science Master’s Degree Programme in Protein Science and Biotechnology, MSc Technology Master’s Programme in Architectural Design, MSc Barents Master’s Degree Programme in Environmental Engineering, MSc Master’s Degree Programme in Wireless Communications Engineering, MSc

17 INTERNATIONAL MASTER’S PROGRAMMES/ OULU UAS Engineering Degree Programme in Information Technology, MEng Degree Programme in Industrial Management, MEng

18 Exchange study opportunities: Short term studies (1-2 semester/s) available in all the faculties and subjects Contact your own exchange study coordinator for more information

19 OULU OFFERS high-quality study opportunities student-centred education, modern facilities student-friendly living spirit of innovation business expertise, world-known companies

20 Natalia, Master's Degree Programme in Education and Globalisation I find Oulu an extremely nice area to live and study in: beautiful nature and quiet surroundings make it a great place. And if you prefer to be involved with various kinds of activities, be it sports, hobbies or going out, you will always find something to your liking. I really enjoy the programme I am studying in. Just imagine having classmates from 13 different countries! You can be sure this experience will truly enrich your life from all possible perspectives. What I found challenging at the beginning of my studies was the busy schedule of the first year and the written exams, as I was more used to in Russia.

21 Irina, Degree Programme in Business Information Technology In my opinion there are good possibilities in Oulu from a career perspective. Oulu is a high-tech centre with a big amount of international companies. At the same time Oulu is a rather small city surrounded by beautiful nature. I find Oulu a very peaceful and safe place. There are also various kinds of activities available. A sporty lifestyle is very popular here: bicycles roads are in good condition and there are lots of nice places for running, swimming, gym exercising, boxing and doing aerobics. There are also a lot of festivals, activities and interesting exhibitions…

22 … I have enjoyed studying in such an international environment. The best part of the studies is the structure of the curriculum which also includes optional studies that you may choose according to your own interests. For example, for a Business Information Technology student most of the courses are IT related. However, after studying marketing I got really interested in the subject and even made my work practice as a marketing trainee for a local company, Elektrobit.

23 …The first thing I noticed was that a lot of people speak fluent English. I never had any problems with communicating. Even though finding Finnish friends can be quite difficult in the beginning, it is not impossible. Most of the Finns do not open their life to newcomers easily and it takes time for them to get to know you. But it is worth waiting! After two years of living here, I have a lot of Finnish friends and I enjoy spending time with them very much.

24 Natalia Master's Degree Programme in Education and Globalisation Irina Degree Programme in Business Information Technology

25 YOU&OULU? Welcome!

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