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ID 02 CB Performance Indicators Noureddine Filali B. GEO Work Plan Symposium CB side event Geneva, May 01, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "ID 02 CB Performance Indicators Noureddine Filali B. GEO Work Plan Symposium CB side event Geneva, May 01, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 ID 02 CB Performance Indicators Noureddine Filali B. GEO Work Plan Symposium CB side event Geneva, May 01, 2014

2 Genesis and history GEOSS’ 10-Year Implementation Plan (2005): Within 6 years GEO will:  …  Produce monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for GEO capacity building efforts; CB strategy (2006):  stipulate the necessity to set in metrics for measuring the progress of CB objectives  Task CBC 09-04-b (N. Filali, M.Andiswa, J.Berque) WP : ID02 Expected achievement by 2015: “Develop qualitative and quantitative Performance Indicators for measuring the efficacy of institutional and individual capacity building programs”

3 Genesis and history Report on CB PI for 2009-2011 GEO WP submitted to CB committee, Poster presented during GEO plenary 2010 exhibition (CB boot).

4 Objectives CB Strategic Target Enhance the coordination of efforts to strengthen individual, institutional and infrastructure capacities, particularly in developing countries, to produce and use Earth observations and derived information products. Specific objectives:  Networking activities that specifically build individual, institutional and infrastructure capacity.  Leveraging resources for Earth observation capacity building efforts.  Increased use of Earth observation in policy and decision making.  Enhanced participation of developing countries in GEO and GEOSS.

5 PI problematic OutcomeRatingPossible indicators Networking activities that specifically build individual, institutional and infrastructure capacity. Possibly measurable  Number of projects, infrastructures, institutions, people working on capacity building. Leveraging resources for Earth observation capacity building efforts. Possibly measurable  Monetary (and non-monetary?) commitments by other parties to earth observation capacity- building projects Increased use of Earth observation in policy and decision making. Not measurable but examples may be identified  Examples of users (Countries, International Institutions, Treaties and conventions,..) using earth obs data which did not use it previously.  Rate of use by current users. Enhanced participation of developing countries in GEO and GEOSS. Likely measurable  Number of developing countries (how defined?) that are Members of GEO.  Number of developing countries participating in GEO tasks.

6 Methodological approach: Itterative process Defining PI sets Data collection (online survey, task sheet analysis) AnalysisCB PI 2 Recommandation for the next phase

7 Networking activities that specifically build individual, institutional and infrastructure capacity. AG-01-C1 ID-02-C1 ID-05-C1 IN-04-C1 IN-04-C2 Leveraging resources for Earth observation capacity building efforts. Increased use of Earth observation in policy and decision making. Enhanced participation of developing countries in GEO and GEOSS ID-02-C1 ID-05-C1 IN-04-C2 ID-02-C1 ID-05-C1 IN-04-C2 AG-01-C1 ID-02-C1 ID-05-C1 IN-04-C2 Methodological approach: Data collection online WP

8 Using report generator tools of the online WP

9 Methodological approach: Data collection framework Framework Report on CB activities Report date: project title: Contributors : related GEO Tasks : reporte d CB activityaim of CB activitymean skills of the taget people Number of peoplearearelated SBAs DC participatio n level Budget (K. EU ) planned achieved Data transfert awareness raising technology transfer build policies institutionnal networking meeting Workshop site training online Training University/ reserachers technical policies makers <20 20<….<50 >50 Africa Asia Latine America Eastern europe Disaster Health Energy Climate Water Weather Ecosystem Agriculture Biodiversity needs design organisationnal Operationnal  PI1PI2PI3PI4PI5PI6PI7PI8PI9

10 Methodological approach: online survey questionnaire

11 Intermediate results Did CB components within your task are? What's the skills of the target people interested by CB activities? Which Continent will be targeted by this CB activity? Involvement of DC Where CB Achieved and planned CB

12 steps before Next GEO plenary  Continue data collection :  Questionnaire on CB beside GEO task leaders (questionnaire to be sent by Geosec),  Process GEO tasks sheet,  Collecting any other information about CB  Data processing and analysis,  CB PI report redaction and submission to ID02,  Recommendations for the next phase.

13 2014 requirements  More informations from tasks leads about CB activities, especially quatitative informations, (aswers data collection questionnaire),  Help in data collection, task sheet processing, analysis  Any contributors is welcome Please fill the CB questionnaire

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