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Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 1 Groundwater Markup Language Eric Boisvert, Boyan Brodaric, François.

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Presentation on theme: "Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 1 Groundwater Markup Language Eric Boisvert, Boyan Brodaric, François."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 1 Groundwater Markup Language Eric Boisvert, Boyan Brodaric, François Létourneau

2 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 2 GML WMS, WFS, SOS GML GWML WaterML WMS, WFS, SOS Applications GIN Advanced: 3D, analysis GIN Basic: 2D, download Standard themes, layers, vocabularies Standard web services Data Pipeline Mediator NRCan Data ABSKON USGS …BC GWMLGML-BCGML-ABGML-SKGML-ONGWMLGML GIN architecture

3 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 3 Domain specific standards Groundwater Markup Language (GWML) provides a standard representation for groundwater related data. Based / Derived from other international standards –Geography Markup Languages –Observations and Measurements –ISO-19115 Metadata –GeoSciML (Geoscience Markup Language)

4 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 4 Conceptual model

5 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 5 Overview GeologicUnit HydrogeologicUnit Reservoir WaterBody WaterWell SF_SamplingFeature sampledFeature O&M (WaterML 2.0) relatedObservation hostUnitwaterContent GeologicFeatureRelation relationship=aquiferHost waterContainer containedWater hostedReservoir

6 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 6 HydrogeologicUnit

7 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 7 «CodeList» GeologicUnitTypeTerm +AllostratigraphicUnit +AlterationUnit +ArtificialGround +BiostratigraphicUnit +ChronostratigraphicUnit +DeformationUnit +ExcavationUnit +GeologicUnit +GeophysicalUnit +LithodemicUnit +LithogeneticUnit +LithologicUnit +LithostratigraphicUnit +LithotectonicUnit +MagnetostratigraphicUnit +MassMovementUnit +Pedoderm +PedostratigraphicUnit +PolarityChronostratigraphicUnit

8 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 8 Magnetostratigraphic unit A new chronology for the end-Triassic mass extinction M.H.L. Deenena,,, M. Ruhlb, N.R. Bonisb, W. Krijgsmana, a b a W.M. Kuerschnerb, M. Reitsmaa, c, M.J. van Bergencbac Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 291, Issues 1–4Volume 291, Issues 1–4, 1 March 2010, Pages 113–125 Overview of the magnetostratigraphic section in the Argana basin, Morocco

9 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 9 Hydrostratigraphic units 3 geologic unit types. Lithostratigraphic Chronostratigraphic Hydrostratigraphic Same package of rock

10 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 10 Fractured aquifer

11 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 11 Budget

12 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 12 Extensive WaterWell model

13 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 13 Water Composition

14 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 14 Notes GWML 1.1 –Still based on GeoSciML 2.0 (pre-final) –« GWML 2.0 » is so far GWML 1.1 rewired to GeoSciML 3.0 (so, there are no real « 2.0 ») –GWML needs repackaging and modularisation needs to be rethought

15 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 15 Model review Tested for the last few years in GIN Tested in GWIE in 2010 (US and Canada) Reviewed/commented by several other groups –University of Ballarat (Victoria) -USGS -Université de Liège (Piotr Wojda) -Romania -Generated a series of CR

16 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 16 Several change proposals

17 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 17 Issues Values / Coverage / Observations –Real life is mixture – >

18 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 18 International model We Should –Scope –Design with extension in mind

19 Boisvert et al. Canada - USGS Technical Exchange meeting Burlington January 29th 2011 19 GIN - RIES http://ngwd- AT=text/html&FID=mn.ww.39602http://ngwd- AT=text/html&FID=mn.ww.39602 http://ngwd- xml& xml&

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