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I Am His and He is Mine (#398) Loved with ev-er-last-ing love, Led by grace that love to know – Spir-it breath-ing from a-bove, Thou hast taught me it.

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Presentation on theme: "I Am His and He is Mine (#398) Loved with ev-er-last-ing love, Led by grace that love to know – Spir-it breath-ing from a-bove, Thou hast taught me it."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) Loved with ev-er-last-ing love, Led by grace that love to know – Spir-it breath-ing from a-bove, Thou hast taught me it is so! slide 1/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

2 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) O this full and per-fect peace From His pre-sence all di-vine – In a love which can-not cease, I am His and He is mine; In a love which can-not cease, I am His and He is mine. slide 2/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

3 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) Heaven a-bove is soft-er blue, Earth a-round is sweet-er green; Some-thing lives in ev-ery hue Christ-less eyes have never seen! slide 3/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

4 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) Birds in song His glo-ries show, Flow’rs with deep-er beau-ties shine, Since I know, as now I know, I am His and He is mine; Since I know, as now I know, I am His and He is mine. slide 4/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

5 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) Things that once were wild a-larms Can-not now dis-turb my rest; Closed in ev-er-last-ing arms, Pil-lowed on the lov-ing breast! slide 5/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

6 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) O to lie for-ev-er here, Doubt and care and self re-sign, While He whis-pers in my ear - I am His and He is mine; While He whis-pers in my ear - I am His and He is mine. slide 6/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

7 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) His for-ev-er, on-ly His – Who the Lord and me shall part? Ah, with what a rest of bliss Christ can fill the lov-ing heart! slide 7/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

8 I Am His and He is Mine (#398) Heav’n and earth may fade and flee, First-born light in gloom de-cline, But while God and I shall be, I am His and He is mine; But while God and I shall be, I am His and He is mine. slide 8/8 (CCLI Lic 447284)

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