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Educational Support of Blind Children What do you believe?

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Support of Blind Children What do you believe?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Support of Blind Children What do you believe?

2 Expanded Core Curriculum Reading and writing in braille Maths in braille Interpreting tactile diagrams Use of special technology Mobility skills Independence skills Social skills

3 Careers for blind people Teachers Lecturers Physiotherapists Myotherapists Horticulturalists IT specialists Business people Farmers

4 Don’t ask whether you can, but how you can.

5 To facilitate learning: Provide opportunities Make up for lack of ‘incidental’ learning Make up for lack of ‘environmental print’ Encourage exploration Build concepts Use real objects Model behaviours Have realistic expectations

6 To facilitate learning: Never presume understanding Encourage physical exercise Encourage extra-curricular involvement e.g. Swan Lake, water skiing, etc. Provide opportunities for choices Be surprised & delighted!

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