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Appraisal Procedure Evaluation
A systematic way of reviewing and assessing the performance to achieve the predetermined objectives / goals or benchmarks in a given time frame. Assessing the characteristics, traits and performances to identify the worth/value of the appraisee.
Need for Appraisal Create an opportunity to discuss professional development goals and objectives. Establish lines of communication at all levels. To review and document the performance. Plan corrective actions necessary to improve the performance.
Appraisal Methods Narratives Checklists Rating Scales
Ranking Comparisons Checklists Rating Scales Objective Measures Group Rank Ordering
Graphics Rating Scales Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
Narratives Essays Critical Incidents Ranking Comparisons Alternation Paired Comparisons Checklists Simple Weighted Rating Scales Graphics Rating Scales Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS) Objective Measures Human Resource Accounting Method (Quantity Produced, etc.) Goal setting Standards (MBO, etc.)
Narratives Written essays, the simplest essay method, is a written narrative assessing an assesee's strengths, weaknesses, past performance, potential, and provides recommendations for improvement. Critical Incidents. The supervisor's attention is focused on specific or critical behaviors that separate effective from ineffective performance.
Ranking Comparisons In group RANK ORDERING the supervisor places employees into a particular classification such as "top one-fifth" and "second one-fifth". If a supervisor has ten employees, only two could be in the top fifth, and two must be assigned to the bottom fifth. In INDIVIDUAL RANKING the supervisor lists employees from highest to lowest. The difference between the top two assesee’s is assumed equivalent to the difference between the bottom two employees. In PAIRED COMPARISON the supervisor compares each employee with every other assesee’s in the group and rates each as either superior or weaker of the pair. After all comparisons are made, each assesee’s is assigned a summary or ranking based on the number of superior scores received.
Checklists Simple Checklists :Based on a list of statements the appraiser describes the job performance of the appraisee. Weighted checklists : is a set of objectives or descriptive statements about the appraisee and his behavior.
Rating Scales Graphic Rating Scale. This method lists a set of performance factors such as job knowledge, work quality, cooperation that the supervisor uses to rate employee performance using an incremental scale. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) combine elements from critical incident and graphic rating scale approaches. The supervisor rates employees according to items on a numerical scale. Behavioral Observation Scales (BOS)
Objective Measures Human resource accounting method tries to find the relative worth of the assets in the terms of money. - The Performance appraisal of the appraisee is judged in terms of his or her cost and contribution. Management by Objectives. MBO evaluates how well an employee has accomplished objectives determined to be critical in job performance. This method aligns objectives with quantitative measures such as sales, profits, zero-defect units produced.
Step by Step guide to Appraisal
Setting Goals (A) Setting Objectives (B) Develop Performance Standards (C) Follow up (D) Rewarding Performance (E) The Performance Evaluation Report (F)
A. Setting Goals The appraiser should allow some time to create a development plan. The appraiser should record specific goals, targets or benchmarks that the appraisee will attempt to achieve. Both appraiser and appraisee should agree on the steps to be taken to achieve these targets, Both should agree on how the appraisee’s progress towards these goals will be measured and set a defined timeframe for the next performance appraisal.
Achievement of Goals The performance indicators are marked
The assessment of actual output/performance The assessment of behavioural and social characteristics one needs to possess Loyalty & integrity in all times, due diligence even when unwatched or unnoticed The gaps in the process of achievement Assistance required by peers, seniors or management support
B. Setting objectives Specific Realistic Time bound Measurable
Achievable Observable/Tangible Performance oriented
Objectives of Appraisal
Build strong relationships – good working relations – spirit of collaboration Personalization – motivation for self improvement Accountability- Sense of belongingness Productive communications --Feedback Tackle road block to success and encourage working together
Objectives of communication
To provide adequate feedback on performance; To clearly establish goals, i.e what is expected of the staff members in terms of performance and future work assignments; To provide counseling and job satisfaction through open discussion on performance and To let appraisee assess where they stand within the organization in terms of their performance.
Administrative objectives
To serve as a basis for promotion or demotion; To serve as a basis for allocating incentives; To serve as a basis for determining transfers
C. Develop Performance Standards
Performance standards are: Based on the position, not the individual Differ from institution to institution as per the requirement Observable, meaningful, reasonable and attainable specific indicators of success
D. Follow up Follow up means more than simply conducting regular formal performance reviews once a year. If appraisers review appraisee and provide feedback as part of everyday working, both appraiser and the appraisee will learn much more about their strengths, weaknesses and how appraiser would prefer the job to be done.
E. Rewarding Performance
Rewarding performance means providing incentives to, and recognition of appraisee for their performance and acknowledging their contributions to the organization's mission.
F. The Performance Evaluation Report
Job standards, procedures and regulations. Established goals, objectives and expectations. Knowledge and skills to perform the job. Job relationships and compatibility to work with seniors peers and assessors required for successful performance
Quality of work, including the nature and consequences of errors made during the evaluation period.
Punctuality or Absenteeism. Commendations awarded relative to assesee’s performance.
What do we achieve by Appraisal ?
It is the scrutiny of performance . Judges the gap between the actual and the desired performance. Defines clarity of the expectations and responsibilities of the functions to be performed. Diagnoses the training and development needs required. Reduces the grievances if any.
Helps the management in exercising organizational control.
Helps to strengthen the relationship and communication between appraiser and appraisee. Provides information to assist the management and HR in decisions like recognitions for awards , promotions, transfers salary hikes etc.
For an Academic Institution
Review Assess Perform Develop Plan
How often should appraisal take place in Educational Institutes
Specific period for FORMAL Annually Half Yearly Quarterly Specific period for INFORMAL Regular Feedback
All Purpose Review All Purpose Review is an Appraisal system at
SUBODH PUBLIC SCHOOL. to provide a comprehensive perspective of the appraisee’s performance from all associated people like superiors, peers, sub-ordinates, customers, stakeholders and appraisers. It is effective for identifying the progress, strengths, weaknesses and overall performances.
All Purpose Review Student to teacher Annual Online Teacher Appraisal
Peer to Peer Annual Classroom Observation Parent to Teacher Annual by Randomly picked parents Student to teacher Randomly after every teaching session Self Appraisal Annual By teachers and by Students
All Purpose Review Student to Teacher Annual Online Teacher Appraisal
All Purpose Review Peer to Peer Annual Classroom Observation
All Purpose Review Parent to Teacher Annual by randomly picked Parents
All Purpose Review Student to Teacher
Randomly after every teaching session
All Purpose Review Self Appraisal Annual by Teachers and by Students
Qualities of a Good appraisal
It is Factual It is Fair It describes the Whole Period It describes the Whole Job It has no Surprises
Congratulate those with a descent appraisal Motivate to instil pride and make them feel more responsible and important Those with Not so good appraisal --- need most of your attention
Analyse the reasons for failure. Understand why they went wrong Do not let them lose their confidence and interest in work Make them have a feel that You are always with them Give them the opportunity to vent out their frustrations Provide the required guidance and a chance to prove Send an encouraging /motivating mail
Make them understand this phase of failure is temporary Encourage them to work with more diligence, earnestness and in togetherness with the organisation Such employees to be handled with a little care and patience
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